War Is Not Over


Born in 2011 from the merge of former heterogeneous musical experiences, AVORAL play with the […]
By Anamaria Carla Ionita
January 12, 2015
Avoral - War Is Not Over album cover

Born in 2011 from the merge of former heterogeneous musical experiences, AVORAL play with the line-up composed by Jed and Legion at the guitars and Frank at the voice, back from a heavy metal project then terminates, finding in Bolthorn and Nurgan (bass guitar and drums) the complementary members to begin this new musical journey. The April of 2013, Legion leaves the band (due to personal problems) and after a deep search for the perfect element to complete the band, Samael joins in, in October.

The band has inspiration from the epic and classic fantasy literature and background, with influences including epic, thrash and power metal and variegated resonances wavering between ballads and heavy riffs, fastened rhythm sections and theatrical arrangements.

The title opening the entire album, "Ivory Gates", has a very cinematic intro followed by a high-pitched voice accompanied by fast guitar solos, same as "I'll Rise Again". The idea behind these songs with its entire elements (good riffs, flute interventions, melody) would have been a good fit if it was a bit more cohesive.  That goes for the entire album, if you split the songs into pieces, you would have some strong material; but together, it just doesn't make that much sense.

Clearly these are some qualified musicians with good ideas, and the band as a whole definitely has potential; but the album "War Is Not Over" represents a hasty decision to record and send out an album.  Being their first full-length album I was expecting some more caution, precision and commitment. For me, and I am sure that for many others as well, first impression is key when choosing everything - not only a band.

A weak album, but a band with potential, they clearly can do more. Hopefully, next releases will be a good step-forward.

4 / 10

Nothing special

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"War Is Not Over" Track-listing:

1. Ivory Gates
2. Unwanted Treason
3. Take The Power
4. I'll Rise Again
5. Dark Caves Melody
6. Journey To The Glory
7. War Is Not Over

Avoral Lineup:

Frank - Vocals
Ged - Guitars
Samael - Guitars
Nurgan - Drums
Bolthorn - Bass, Backing Vocals

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