

When I heard the name of Shmoulik "Sammy" Avigal for the first time, it was […]
December 29, 2011
Avigal - Unbroken album cover

When I heard the name of Shmoulik "Sammy" Avigal for the first time, it was on the booklet of the Dutch PICTURE's album. Avigal was probably the first real Heavy Metal singer from Israel even before there was really a Metal scene over there. Among other bands he joined besides PICTURE there was the Jewish Metal collaboration with David Feinstein's THE RODS, which like PICTURE, still hit nowadays. Just when I began wondering what has been going on with him all this time; I discovered his new solo band of AVIGAL.

AVIGAL's independent debut of "Unbroken" is plain and simple, back to the basics of traditional Metal by the book. Throughout the album I was evident to the same song structures and formulas that formed some of the valued material of the 80s. It didn't exactly elevate the album, as the general display is pretty much obvious and sometimes even repetitive, yet it is still a blessing for die hard traditional Metal fans. The only thing that is a picture of modernization was the production that has a few 80s markers.

AVIGAL is the one of the sole grounds where Metal has a one and only form. It should be accessible, punching and always with a glance towards the classic past. It would seem that nothing else exists as this here stuff is the truest of all. There are plenty of traditional Metal protectors out there that also like the same verse, chorus, verse, chorus, solo, chorus while dishing simple riffages and ample solos. However, even with the survival some of those true believers; no one can reinvent history but only to secure it. "Unbroken" in overall is a good showcase of what went on in the 80s without any kind of newer trends or attempts of progression.

I wouldn't say that this album didn't pinch me from time to time with its same old reprises of Metal that I have been listening to my entire life, but even while treading on known areas, there were tracks on the list that I really liked due to their classic nature that even the newer traditional players didn't reach or make good use of. "Unbroken" is a sort of a Metal anthem, "Thank You" is the power ballad that was shared and written with a lot of love, "Rockit Out", the pure Hard Rock anthem that reminded some of classic songs and "Riding The Wind" that sent me back to the old Euro Metal of the North.

"Unbroken" is one of those Metal albums that is a thing of the past while playing it safe to the tunes of the basics. AVIGAL is a true Metal preserver and I salute them for that. As for Sammy, he still sounds amazing and right from the start I had no doubts about his abilities.

7 / 10


"Unbroken" Track-listing:

1. Unbroken
2. Gates Of Hell
3. Demons Inside
4. Sins Of The Father
5. Mindless Creatures
6. Rockit Out
7. Thank You
8. Shaman's Song
9. Hell & Back
10. Riding The Wind
11. Wings Of Tomorrow
12. Nightmare
13. Far From The Future
14. Terror 

Avigal Lineup:

Sammy Shmoulik Avigal- Vocals
Dicky Reome- Guitars
Mark Denson- Bass
Rich Ackerman- Guitars
Chad Turtur- Drums

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