

With 12 whole years on the line of producing a few demos and one EP, […]
By Isha Shah
January 9, 2015
Autere - Amal'l album cover

With 12 whole years on the line of producing a few demos and one EP, the Finnish Death/ Groove modern Metal band, AUTERE have finally released their first ever full-length record (about time) titled "Amal'l".  With this slow working band, they have managed to produce a dated sounded piece that fits in with the youth of today, catering for riffty baselines and melodic structures then this energetic album is made just in time for you.

"Burn" makes its grand entrances with the title being screamed at to you inches from your eardrum. This gigantic roar simmers down into rugged vocals that are planted throughout the song, matched with equally as harsh riffs that are sharper than a blade; the djenty rhythm takes over within the chorus allowing the song to lighten up slightly. Off to a good start so far, the band has wisely positioned their tracks to create maximum emphasis on the weaker ones.

If a nonstop riff is what you're after then "Redeemers" would be a perfect finish for you with its endless minute of breakout riffs, setting you in the mood for its follow up song which starts the same. Enhancing on the vocal chords, it is clear that Anssi Rissa has made an improvement towards softening his blow when it comes to classic clean vocals speeded in the chorus.

As we progress to the finishing line of the record a certain darker theme is present, capturing a hold on the lighter parts, deepening it to sound even more dangerous and tougher than before. Mixed with complex strums and bouncy beats this record has done well for a first. Starting from the top, AUTERE have mastered a complete solid sound without sounding too generic or boring its audience.

8 / 10


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"Amal'l" Track-listing:

1. Burn
2. Circle Of Kinetic Damage
3. Redeemers
4. Lines
5. Horizon
6. Carbon
7. Bloodlands
8. Veils Of Faith
9. Allies

Autere Lineup:

Anssi Rissa - Vocals
Joona Alamäki - Guitars
Petri Huhtala - Guitars
Markus Virtanen - Bass
Tatu Turunen - Drums

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