

AURON is a Russian progressive power metal band, founded in 2007 Roman Lepaev and former […]
By Gil Lecht
March 10, 2015
Auron - Auron album cover

AURON is a Russian progressive power metal band, founded in 2007 Roman Lepaev and former bassist Sergey Kirpilenko - having been gigging ever since they have changed their line-up several times finally settling with the current line-up in early 2014. Signing up with Ukrainian label Metal Scrap Records sparked the release of their self-titled debut album.

The album opens with the track "Obsessions" - the track opens in a personal pet peeve of mine - shiny keyboards colliding badly with the coolness of heavy power chords - but that changes fast into fast riffing catchy riffing coupled with vocals that very clearly are influenced from NWOBHM and some tasty solos.

"Spring" starts with a melodic part coupled with the bass playing along that blasts into a much larger vibe that reminds me of DREAM THEATER, catchy riffs and melodies showcase throughout the song. The song also has a clip on YouTube for its Russian version that is pretty unsafe for work to say the least... Influences of Yngwie Malmsteen are definitely heard in many of the albums solos - prime example is opening solo of track "Stranger". Closing track "Auron" ends the album in a rather high note - Fast and heavy riffs and chugs go hand in hand with the the melodic guitar solo that occupies most of the song. The song switches to a mode that reminds me of IRON MAIDEN - the melodies keep going higher and higher - faster and faster to eventually come to a satisfying, show finisher ending.

This album is a very fun one to listen to - containing modern progressive metal influences such as DREAM THEATER along with classic metal influences such as YNGWIE MALMSTEEN, SAXON, SCORPIONS and many more - especially in the hair metal and British heavy metal scene. In the end, if you are looking for quality Russian cock rock - you've found your match.

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"Auron" Track-listing:

1. Obsessions
2. Word and Deed
3. Spring
4. Stranger
5. Prelude in B-moll
6. Mirrors
7. Heroes of Last Generation
8. Moonlight Trail
9. Color Dreams
10. Auron
Bonus Tracks:
11. Heroes of Last Generation - Russian Version
12. Stranger - Russian Version

Auron Lineup:

Nicholas Bogov - Vocals and Guitar
Roman Lepaev - Guitar
Maxim Syvorotkin - Bass
Arseniy Burikov - Drums

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