Tame & Conquer

Attractive Chaos

ATTRACTIVE CHAOS deliver an excellent melodic Metal EP. “Tame & Conquer” consolidates the melodic Metal style of the band but with more diversity allowing different influences and styles entering their music
August 26, 2024

ATTRACTIVE CHAOS hailing from France and Italy were formed in 2022. The melodic Metal outfit release their second EP. “Tame & Conquer” was mixed and mastered by Simone Mularoni (DEATHLESS LEGACY; ELVENKING; NIGHTMARE) at Dominion Studios, San Marino. The EP has a length of 29 minutes, and it is an independent release. After their critically acclaimed debut EP “The Fire Between Us”, the Italian/French melodic Metal band ATTRACTIVE CHAOS are back with a second EP. Those who hoped for a full-length debut album have to wait a little bit longer, and in the meantime, let us check out whether “Tame & Conquer” fulfil the expectations that surely rose after the successful debut EP. It all starts with the easy-to-listen “To The Moon”, which is a mid-tempo track with catchy melodies. While the first verse part is still at a slower tempo, the rest of the track is played in one rhythm. It is the classical verse/bridge/chorus track with a break in between. The female vocals are very versatile and range somewhere between the medium and higher end of the vocal range with many tonal shifts in between. The vocals follow the melodies and that defines the catchiness of the track. Highlight is the break with the very contributing lead guitar solo.

To The Moon” is an early EP highlight, and it is the official video release with the YouTube link provided below. “Magical Powers” has a very powerful start with thunderous riffing. It is a very heavy track and that is intensified by the growling vocals, provided by guitarist Clement Botz. The track is a symbiosis of crushing verse parts with the growls, heavy riffing, and even a few blast-beats on one hand, and the melodic parts intensified by the highly pitched vocals of Emma Elvaston on the other hand. It is also a track of different tempi and rhythms. At the end of the song, both styles come together with the punishing riffs and the vocals. Emma Elvaston is doing a fantastic job in keeping the different aspects of the track very well together. “Words On A Letter” starts with the acoustic guitar and the beautiful voice of Emma Elvaston. What starts as an EP ballad, turns into a track at a measured tempo with powerful guitar riffs and dark melodies. The vocals are mainly higher pitched notes, and they follow the melodies. The break includes another cool lead guitar solo, and “Words On A Letter” is another of my favorite songs from this release.

 After three songs of different style, “Finally” goes back to the melodic mid-tempo path with easy digestive verse and chorus parts. However, that comes alongside with heaviness in the riffing for the verse parts. The chorus melodies are catchy, and the chorus lines are anthemic. The break includes once again an extended and very contributing lead guitar solo. In “Finally”, ATTRACTIVE CHAOS are at their best in terms of transporting positivity to the listener. “Right Now” starts very heavy with an extended guitar-driven part with a few neoclassical vibes and a bit of double-bass drumming. The song transitions into a mixture of mid-tempo verse parts driven by the keyboards, the bass, and the vocals, and chorus parts at a measured tempo. The chorus parts have catchy melodies with the vocals using very highly pitched notes. The EP closes with “Obsession”, and it starts with acoustic guitars. The track includes a few different vibes as the acoustic guitars drive the verse parts forward. The melodies are a bit darker and have a bit of a melancholic touch during the choruses. The vocals have a lot of background support, and there is a guest vocal appearance of Gabriele Gozzi (FALLEN SANCTUARY). Obsession” is probably the darkest track on the EP.

 ATTRACTIVE CHAOS deliver an excellent melodic Metal EP. “Tame & Conquer” consolidates the melodic Metal style that the band started two years ago, but more importantly, they have matured in songwriting and as a band. “Tame & Conquer” is a very diverse release with the band allowing different influences and styles entering their music, but by maintaining their melodic framework as a basis of their songs. One of the results of these different influxes is that “Tame & Conquer” sounds heavier than their debut EP. The vocals of Emma Elvaston are key to the songs, and she offers a huge vocal skillset and versatility. The EP is well produced. “Tame & Conquer” shows that ATTRACTIVE CHAOS is a band with huge potential and fans can look forward to a full-length release of this promising band. The sky is the limit.

9 / 10

Almost Perfect








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"Tame & Conquer" Track-listing:
  1. To The Moon
  2. Magical Powers
  3. Words On A Letter
  4. Finally
  5. Right Now
  6. Obsession
Attractive Chaos Lineup:

Emma Elvaston Vocals

Clement Botz Guitars, Vocals

Thomas Calegary Drums

Pier Paolo Lunescu Bass, Vocals

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