Medium Antigod


ATRITAS is a band from Switzerland and Medium Antigod is their second album. They started […]
By Yiannis Doukas
November 13, 2007
Atritas - Medium Antigod album cover

ATRITAS is a band from Switzerland and Medium Antigod is their second album. They started somewhere in 1997, released 3 demos, had some line-up changes and in 2005 their debut album Where Witches Burnt appeared. Their music line is into melodic, symphonic black metal, between a lesser space influent LIMBONIC ART and some levels down from EMPEROR's first album.
To tell you the truth there are worst LPs into this cesspool called symphonic black than this one, that hopefully has some remarkable guitars while we don't have moments of silk, velvet or desperate loves! But we have the existence of unacceptable vocals that sometimes are like the crying of a cat after treading on her tail. Also the big duration plus lots of uninspired times that can bring each poor listener closer to sleeping limits. Production is good, playing is good but there is a deficiency of inspiration - except some riffs, like the main part of Massacre Pour Une Ballade.
If some of you outside are die-hard with these sounds, you have listened more than a million times the last LIMBONIC ART CD and you want something extra, well then try this one and may Satan bless you! I have to add also that right now the band's new drummer is Azrael and the keyboard player Hysteria has gone.

5 / 10


"Medium Antigod" Track-listing:

Psychosomatic Gallery
Earthbound Suicide
Medium Antigod
Obtained Orphanage
Massacre Pour Une Ballade
Ravenous And Devilish
Das Tier
Lunar Psychosis
Decades Of Nihilism
Black Dominion Era

Atritas Lineup:

Swart - Guitars
Baal - Guitars
Gier - Vocals
Ork - Drums
D. Magick - Bass
Hysteria - Keys

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