

Foreign language music can often be a beautiful thing as sometimes music in different languages […]
By MarcusTheRocker
June 7, 2015
Atreides - Cosmos album cover

Foreign language music can often be a beautiful thing as sometimes music in different languages can express and convey different emotions. Some are more enjoyable then others even if you don't understand the lyrics but others aren't as enjoyable as you want them to be it a okay-ish vocal performance or the song not moving you. I've heard a few examples of this in a few different languages with Japanese being the most common so I am open to hearing music in different languages and the promo I am reviewing today happens to be one of those.

The band in question is a new Spanish Heavy/Power Metal outfit called ATREIDES and their debut album "Cosmos" shall be the subject of today's review. Formed in 2014 in Vigo in Spain, this quartet of Spanish musicians is fronted by guitarist Dany Soengas who previously played in another band called SKYDANCER. After 10 years, 4 albums and over 100 shows, Dany wanted to embark on a new musical adventure which ultimately led to the formation of ATREIDES who have been working on their debut album which is now ready for us to hear.

Clocking in at over 40 minutes and 8 tracks long, "Cosmos" consists of two instrumental tracks and six vocal songs with all the lyrics being in Spanish. Despite learning some in my schooldays, Spanish is not a language I am not that fluent with but then I'm not not exactly fluent in Japanese either so I can overlook that fact as I do enjoy the performance of foreign language music sometimes if the vocals and music are good.

That is exactly the case here as the lyrics may be in another language, but I do appreciate the effort that was put into the performance, and it's actually not too bad when you give it a listen, as yes you may not be able to understand the words (except if you're fluent in Spanish of course), but you will find yourself appreciating the time and effort it took to make it.

The strong foreign vocal performance, albeit a bit hit and miss at times, is accompanied by an equally strong musical section with the guitars, bass and drums adding in a bit of extra oomph to the music in terms of the melodies which all have their own unique sound and power levels. Sometimes though they do overpower the vocals, and occasionally the melodies sound a teeny bit messy in a few places here and there, but it's not really a problem that is present much which is good.

The production is also surprisingly good when you bear in mind that this is a Power Metal release, as often some bands in the genre suffer from poor production issues that can lead to sloppy sounding music. Thankfully that's a trap this band has avoided. It does have it's moments where you wish the production was a bit better, but just like the music and vocals, any problems present don't crop up all that much, meaning you can spend a bit more time immersing yourself in the music.

Bottom line, the debut from ATREIDES is actually a lot better then I originally thought it was going to be. It may have it's problems here and there but they are so minute, you can't really spot them that much, which is just as well as this is an enjoyable effort to listen to, and is definitely one to pick up if you're a Power Metal enthusiast or enjoy music in a wide variety of different languages.<

7 / 10


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"Cosmos" Track-listing:

1. Singularidad (Instrumental)
2. Cosmos
3. Medianoche
4. Distancia
5. Providencia (Instrumental)
6. Alma Errante
7. Cruzando el Bosque
8. Garret

Atreides Lineup:

Iván López - Vocals
Dany Soengas - Guitars

Antonio Orihuela - Bass

David Borjas - Drums

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