Another World


Atlantic is the vision of guitarist and songwriter Simon Harrison. Following a successful ghost writing […]
August 23, 2024

Atlantic is the vision of guitarist and songwriter Simon Harrison. Following a successful ghost writing career and his bands Stranger and Wisht, Simon wanted to make an album in his favoured AOR/melodic rock genre. Heavily influenced by bands like Whitesnake, Journey, Bad English, FM and Dare he set about writing the songs that became the first album entitled "Power". Atlantic was never supposed to be a long term band and following its worldwide release Simon moved on to other writing, recording, production and mix projects. In the late nineties Simon met Mark Grimmett. He recorded several songs with Mark over the following few years and they decided at some point they would make a record together. Fast forward to 2021 Mark was talking to Simon about writing and recording a new album. By early 2022 they had written a number of songs and they both felt they would best suit a new album under the Atlantic banner. Several members of Grim Reaper were recruited to give the album an edge, whilst retaining the essential melodic rock/AOR feel that is Atlantic. Mark Pullin, Julian D. Hill and Ian Nash were duly recruited into the band along with keyboardist Gareth David Noon from Serpentine. The line-up was to change later in the project with Simon and Tim Bristow taking over the keyboard role. and the addition of Nick Burr on lead guitar. Work continued over the next year and finally the production was completed in late 2023. Mark Pullin stepped up to mix the album after some unforeseen issues at Simon's studio and it was completed in March 2024.

Atlantic's first album “Power” I first heard just recently, which I think is a melodic rock gem really worth listening to or owning if you can grab a copy. So “Another World” I was really looking forward to see if 30 years later that melodic rock magic could be replicated .”Ready Or Not” the single starts this album, which is a solid melodic track , smooth, polished with great guitar work. This is what you get with “Another World” eleven tracks (10 on vinyl) of pure AOR/melodic rock, there is some great tracks “Without Love” has infectious guitar solos, a catchy chorus with great harmonies. ”Hold On” has a more chilled out melodic vibe with great synths injected and intertwined with great guitar runs. ”I'll Be Waiting” is one of the best tracks on this album as is the power AOR ballad “Loving Arms” and “If This Is Goodbye” they just scream out hit, heavy radio airplay rotation deserving, also they have a superb energy about them ”Whole Lot Of Love” has a nice keyboard intro but the track then hit me by surprise expecting a ballad it was a more rockier track a bit more edgier,  but a cool track sounds a lot like a Dare influenced track. Lots of influences are evident and apparent “Nothing More I Can Say” very much sounds like a track that the mighty FM would release “Missing You” has got that Bad English formula and structure to the melody & sound. ”Dream About You” has all of the above just smooth production and quality,

Another World” ticks all the boxes for me vocally, production wise and musically .It is a great album and as a 48 year old, who loves melodic rock I highly recommend this album if this is your thing. Is it as good as the debut 30 years ago? No its not, but it comes very close to it. The only thing I can say negative about this album is the single “Ready Or Not” is not what I would have chosen as the single to promote this album, I feel there are some better tracks on the album which would have been better suited but its just a little nit picking on my part. However its definitely one of my top albums of the year for sure superb UK Melodic/AOR, The vinyl which is limited to 300 is a really cool colour with great album artwork worth checking out.

9 / 10

Almost Perfect








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"Another World" Track-listing:


1.Ready Or Not

2.Without Love

3.Hold On

4.I'll Be Waiting

5.If This Is Goodbye

6.Whole Lot Of Love

7.Loving Arms

8.Nothing More I Can Say

9.Missing You

10.Dream About You

11.This Ain't Love (Cd and Stream Bonus Track)

Atlantic Lineup:

Simon Harrison – Guitars, Bass & Keyboards

Mark Grimmett – Lead Vocals

Mark Pullin – Drums & Backing Vocals

Nick Burr – Lead Guitars

Julian D.Hill – Bass

Tim Bristow – Keyboards

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