Expelled into Suffering


Assimilator – Expelled into Suffering Oh Fuck! You’re gonna make me Suffer??? Assimilator's EP "Expelled […]
July 22, 2024

Assimilator – Expelled into Suffering Oh Fuck! You’re gonna make me Suffer??? Assimilator's EP "Expelled into Suffering" emerges as a brutal testament to the unrelenting power of death metal, showcasing the band's ferocity and technical proficiency in equal measure. Clocking in at just under 20 minutes, this four-track offering wastes no time in immersing the listener in a vortex of relentless aggression and visceral intensity 30 seconds into “Expelled into Suffering” And I’m ready to rip my shirt off and jump into the pit. If you’re looking for that slow, Melodeath, Chuggy, and a mix of fast paced Brutal Death Metal, then look no further! “ASSIMILATOR” is back following their self-titled 2022 album! “Nocturnal Forge” is an absolute staple in this EP. There are no Ifs, ands, or buts, about it! If you are looking for a ripping album that will melt your face, and make you want to jump in the pit, then this EP is for you! This EP starts off with face ripping licks and leaves you wanting more! Its obvious that these guys are taking influence from the death metal scene in Gothenburg and others like “SUFFOCATION”, “MORBID ANGEL”, “SKELETAL REMAINS”, and GATECREEPER”, and they are doing a killer job at it! This EP focuses on an onl school metal attack that takes its inspiration from some of the best and most influential acts in extreme metal.

From the outset, with the thunderous opening of "Expelled into Suffering," Assimilator establishes a sonic landscape characterized by blistering blast beats, guttural vocals, and intricately woven guitar riffs. The production quality is commendable, striking a balance between clarity and the raw, primal edge essential to death metal. Each instrument cuts through the mix with precision, ensuring that every detail of the band's sonic assault is heard loud and clear. Assimilator's "Expelled into Suffering" is a must-listen for fans of extreme metal, showcasing the band's uncompromising approach to death metal while hinting at even greater potential yet to be unleashed. This track is a relentless onslaught of aggression and despair, culminating in a whirlwind of blast beats and frenetic guitar work that leaves a lasting impression. With this release, Assimilator proves themselves as a force to be reckoned with in the contemporary death metal landscape, setting a high bar for future endeavors.

Make sure to catch “ASSIMILATOR” live soon, with appearances at the Delaware Terror Fest on Saturday, November 9th.

8 / 10









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"Expelled into Suffering" Track-listing:

1.  Expelled into Suffering
2. Nocturnal Forge
3. Changeling
4. I Am

Assimilator Lineup:

Tim Kenefic – Guitars/Vocals
David Sueoka – Bass
Tyler Witte – Drums
Noah Werner – Guitars

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