Trapped Between Two Worlds (Reissue)


ASPHYXIATOR was a Death Metal band from Staffordshire, UK that has been active between 1993 […]
December 3, 2020
Asphyxiator - Trapped Between Two Worlds (Reissue) album cover

ASPHYXIATOR was a Death Metal band from Staffordshire, UK that has been active between 1993 and 1998. During that time they released one full-length album in 1997 which was recorded and mixed at Rhythm Studios at the time. "Trapped Between Two Worlds" was now reissued via Dutch label Vic Records which is specialized in Death, Black, Doom, and Pagan Metal. The reissue was remastered and includes a bonus track and liner notes. The total length of the album including the bonus track is more than 54 minutes.

"Trapped Between Two Worlds" was recorded and produced at a time when the term "classical" or "traditional" Death Metal not yet existed. Death Metal was predominantly influenced by a number of US bands, the Swedish Death Metal scene was at their prime, band like KATAKLYSM or AMON AMARTH were just in their starting blocks. From the UK, there were a few bands influencing Death Metal notably BOLT THROWER and NAPALM DEATH. ASPHYXIATOR offer perhaps a mixture between the British and Swedish Death Metal bands at the time with a few Thrash Metal elements added to it.

Songs like the opener "Bestown The Children Of Dark Water", "Night Stalker" or "True Fucking Hate" give the direction of the album: a raw and aggressive sound mostly kept mid-tempo with a few breaks, crunching guitar riffs, relentless drumming with lots of double-bass parts, relatively simple song structures, the lead guitar solos being not too technical, and brutal growling vocals mostly in the low range. Each of the songs on the album is influenced by leading European Death Metal bands of this period. Although most of the songs are mid-tempo, they typically include short breaks at higher tempo, but speed attacks such as in "The Day That I Died" are really the exception.

ASPHYXIATOR vary their songs in terms of structure and sound quite well and keep the album interesting for the listener. "Serial Killer" is one of the songs that really sounds different. A long and slow building up of the guitars which creates some kind of dark atmosphere, transitioning in grim guitar riffs at a head-banging and stomping rhythm. The first break comes midway through with short sequences played at breakneck speed. The guitar solo is flesh-ripping while the doom-laden atmosphere is maintained throughout the song. "Struggling" is another song with a dark atmosphere, kept at a slow rhythm up to a short and chaotic mid-tempo break.

Beside "Serial Killer" there are a few more songs with a length of more than 6 minutes: "Lizzie Borden" and "Futile". Both songs have their moments. "Lizzie Borden" has a long mid-tempo instrumental intro. The overarching theme is a lead guitar sequence that provides an Oriental atmosphere. Halfway through, the song increases speed and the guitar riffs get faster and more aggressive alongside the vocals while maintaining the structure of the song. "Lizzie Borden" reminds me on BOLT THROWER classics and is beside "Serial Killer" a highlight of the album. "Futile" starts very slow with a keyboard sequence and clean vocals until the point when it erupts in brutality with pummeling drums, aggressive guitar riffs, and growls from hell until the end.

The reissue of "Trapped Between Two Worlds" is an early Christmas gift for any Death Metal fan who loves the old school classics. ASPHYXIATOR may have had a relatively short career, but delivered a highlight at the time. The reissue maintains its originality and the rawness of the sound. Fans will also enjoy the bonus track and the liner notes and "Trapped Between Two Worlds" is up for grabs for every Death Metal collection.

7 / 10









"Trapped Between Two Worlds (Reissue)" Track-listing:

1. Bestown The Children Of Dark Water
2. Night Stalker
3. Serial Killer
4. True Fucking Hate
5. Struggling
6. The Day That I Died
7. Lizzie Borden
8. At Last There's Peace
9. Futile
10. Trapped Between Two Worlds
11. Shattered Existence

Asphyxiator Lineup:

Dave Jones - Vocals, Guitars
Matt Hayles - Guitars
Maggie Beddows ­ Keyboards
Paul Collins - Drums
David Homer - Bass

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