One Foot In The Grave... (DVD)


ARTILLERY: a well-hiden secret in the European 80s Thrash scene. Whoever's 'got' into this fine […]
By Grigoris Chronis
August 26, 2008
Artillery - One Foot In The Grave... album cover

ARTILLERY: a well-hiden secret in the European 80s Thrash scene. Whoever's 'got' into this fine Danish band back then surely knows what we're talkin' about. Power, speed, efficiency, metallum, spite...all in one. Metal Mind's DVD series now brings ARTILLERY in front. For 80s Thrash maniacs there's not much to say: for history reasons and only, this DVD release should be of high priority.
Else, the performance of the band in Metalmania Festival 2008 shows enough of the majesty of the Taastrup, Copenhagen-based Thrash warriors. ARTILLERY released three magnificent albums in the 80s, with Fear Of Tomorrow (1985) hailed by many as their magnum opus. A reformed 'carnation' of ARTILLERY presented the notable B.A.C.K. album in 1999. Along with the 4-CD boxset entitled Through The Years (again released via Metal Mind in 2007) this DVD shot wraps up everything you may need from a band flirting strongly with...
...1000% velocity and Euro Thrash malignancy. Neither 100% 'satanic' nor 'just groovy', ARTILLERY did show - throughout the years - a great tendency in writing angry tunes full of speed and 'lurking' melodies (I somehow would compare their attitude to early FLOTSAM & JETSAM's formulas, in a weird way), that's why they still hold deep respect in thrashers' minds. With 3 out of 5 original members the last couple of years, it's kinda weird to see Adamsen's onstage outfit in the beginning, resembling to an American teenage. Still, his MAIDEN T-shirt and throat would not lie, resulting in a good performance with enough of screams and much of fury. Does he do blonde Flemming Ronsdorf? No he doesn't, but that's not the point righ here. It's 20 years later and live, dammit.
The Stutzer brothers are sharp and vivid; obviously, the band does not lose it at all throughout their one-hour set. Nielsen is as malicious as he's always been, and 'professor' Peter Thorslund fits in like glove. If you think of nostalgia, the whole set is unmistakable. If you do justice strictly and only, then you may not be able to set the picture clear. ARTILLERY, a band formed back in 1982, knows it's a trip to the old days and does not let down expectations that easily.
The setlist helps, too: nearly the whole Fear Of Tomorrow debut album, not much off the Terror Squad LP (a 'minus' may this be?)  and a couple of songs from the next of the band's albums create a certain atmosphere of battle in the front pits, while the rest of the arena stands rather in hush. Do not forget, of course, it's a festival taking place; integration is not a strong weapon in such cases...while, also, the band could be a little more wild onstage, I guess. Anyway...
The shooting is great, again, with tons of cameras and angles, while the sound (2.0 or 5.1 - u choose) is great. Bonus goodies may catch old thrashers by surprise, since four video clips since the band's 80s days are attached to this DVD release. Terror Squad, in particular, may be capable of re-showing you the proper way to bang your head after many many years, to be honest. An interesting video interview with the Stutzer brothers and Carsten Nielsen is also available, with many facts necessary for the 'metallipedia' fans.
It's a fact that DVD releases from Metal Mind Productions have now become quite typical in their content structure. Still, to see video footage from a legendary Euro Thrash band like ARTILLERY after all these years gives tons of credit to the creators of this project. In mind: try before you guy, if you're not familiar with the band. In heart: it's Thrash made in the 80s, what can go wrong?

7 / 10


"One Foot In The Grave... (DVD)" Track-listing:

Deeds of Darkness
Into the Universe
The Almighty
The Challenge
By Inheritance
The Eternal War
Beneath the Clay (R.I.P.)
Time Has Come
At War with Science
Out of the Sky
Terror Squad

- Allergic To Knowledge (video clip)
- Terror Squad (video clip)
- The Almighty (bootlegged at The Rock, Copenhagen, 2008)
- Missing Link - Lobotomized (video clip)
- Interview with Michael Stutzer, Morten Stutzer and Carsten Nielsen
- Biography
- Discography
- Gallery
- Desktop images
- Links

Artillery Lineup:

Peter Thorslund - Bass
Morten Stutzer - Guitars
Michael Stutzer - Drums
Carsten Nielsen - Guitars
Soren Adamsen - Vocals

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