Arias Exalted
February 10, 2015

Black metallers ARTHEDAIN raise their flags in Gemany,in the spirit of Black Metal, even tho their musical ken is not limited under this specific genre. At the very start of 2014 man named Charles Wolford started developing his own vision of Black Metal,after founding this project he laid down a chapter entitled "By The Light Of The Moon". Along the same year Tobias Schuler joined his side in the battle to conquer and create. Tobias's help resulted with an album, a fine release ordained "Arias Exalted". By the late Januray,this year, ARTHEDAIN gave their fully allegiance to the Naturmacht Productions, an underground record label.
This whole set marked under Black Metal,is one,and I won't hesitate to shout out, damn strong, aggressive,yet melodic and emotional act of talent. Yes, I may sound as a fan of such a genre,but no, guys it's a truly big accomplishment by the metalheads from ARTHEDIAN. I took a quite big timeline to format my thoughts into this article, and I am not minding a single second I spent onto this majestic deed. Okay, I am busted, I admit, I just love this fine music I am listening even now, while writing down this review.
The EP, containing 4 tracks is a magic pot, in which Charles and Mike poured everything, a bit of Old School Black Metal, a little bit of AtmosphericPost Black Metal and the melodies, the melodic part rapes your inner with a vast of feels. I shall be honest and say Old School Black Metal isn't one of my beloved ones, but these lads pointed my eye upon another starlit, and yet I'm re-convinced, against my personal thought. Thank you.
If you would ask me to underline a specific one among songs, you'd give me a hard assignment, therefor I will not send you into something I happen to appreciate more within this EP. The whole "Arias Exalted" should be considered as a must-listen if you are seeking for new, upcoming, young bands.
Nowadays, when there are bunch of genres and subgenres, when innovation is the key of success Tobias and Charles are mentaining the spirit of an 'old' pathern in Black Metal, even with the additives whatsoever. I will suggest you only one thing, you are a material for albums, ALBUMS. I'll pationately sit here and wait for your future work, and you are getting "The EP of the January" reward from me. Well done.
10 / 10

"Arias Exalted" Track-listing:
1. Through Immolation Sparked
2. Visions Of Fire
3. The Constant Void
4. Traverse The Path Of Thorns
Arthedian Lineup:
Charles Wolford - Vocals, Guitars, Bass
Tobias Schuler - Drums
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