Throne Between Worlds
Ars Magna Umbrae
January 4, 2022
Metal maniacs, rejoice! I am proud to present to you: ARS MAGNA UMBRAE; signed via I, Voidhanger Records, hailing from Polish grounds - performing Atmospheric Black Metal, on their 3rd record entitled: "Throne Between Worlds" (released November 12th, 2021). Since formation in 2017; the soloist in question has only an EP entitled: "Through Lunar Gates" (released February 14th, 2017), and 3 Full-length albums in their discography so far entitled: "Lunar Ascension" (released October 5th, 2018), "Apotheosis" (released August 21st, 2020) & this here 3rd album entitled: "Throne Between Worlds". 6 tracks ranging at around 37:19; ARS MAGNA UMBRAE arranges an intricately designed formula on some heavy-hitting Atmospheric Black Metal developments.
Opening up with this majestic but blackened riff, this rattling strum manifests with piercing noise terror within "Into The Waters Of The Underworld". Shredding chiselling implodes into a barrage frenzy of ominously volatile stability, synergized with thunderous strikes that pursue with monolithic tempo and blistering bombast where razor-sharp snares scour with vibrantly potent melody. Consisting of multitasking, one-man virtuoso K.M. who performs on everything; an impressive flair on riveting hooks gravitate with uproarious blitzkrieg among a flamboyantly driving foundation on punchline drum cymbal hammerings, rambunctious pandemonium & ruthlessly sinister meatiness where stompy smacks showcases steely precision while trailblazing skyrockets shriek with nasty vocals that unleash throaty perseverance of shouty rage. "Consecrating The Shrine Of Undoing" elements a contrasting groove while raspy cords distill an aggressive but somewhat melancholic attribute in intense atmosphere, fuelled disdain and spellbinding vehemence which utilizes versatile laceration among a killer stridency to boot.
An enriching fabrication ramifies with unique substance where organic instrumental equalities implement a fierce conundrum on spectral maelstrom proficiencies, while rapturous tightness injects an infectiously raw yet primitive enthrallment as an absorbing but venomous sturdiness thuds with weighty sovereignty. "Beyond The Stellar Gates" thumps out rumbling trembles as audible bass flickers with monstrous profanity; while guitars impactfully strife with sonically seamless retribution, where perpetual slabs of solidity slays with grinding dexterity and complex distinction in merging that ambiently distinguished but enchanting hypnotism of ritualistic mayhem profusely. This robust technicality progressively surges with otherworldly veracity, where plutonic madness slips souls into despair and heated assimilation as concretely gritty tempos soar with mythical upheaval. "Treader On The Dreamless Path" sermonises with more of that salubrious yet dreamlike entrancement, as layered harmonies and a furore change of pace that crafts a rifting remedy on dense but thrusting tenor.
This is a marvellous piece of work for a solomon without others; our mysterious Polishman significantly immortalises a moody vibe of mountainous trepidation, the cover art depicts a haze of imaginative corruption, a river of desegregation and worship that runs the vision with desolation among destruction. The penultimate titular tracks morphs esoteric Black Metal with this hybrid dimension on occultism & dominion, as dissonance culminates a feverish combustion on piledriving heft, as a supernatural transcendence materialises synthetic but cosmic allure. While overall concluding "Throne Between Worlds" with the longest epic on the record: "Metempsychosis (Transmigration Of The Soul)" which mesmerises you with more maddening cascadence, as this scathing performance plunges you into a cordial but visceral representation of savage but dainty and linear aesthetic which keeps one in total fascination.
Bottom line; I am compelled to say that K.M. most certainly outdone himself with this one, "Throne Between Worlds" is a brilliant Black Metal masterpiece that surely deserves a few spins. Worthy of replaying and discovering, as it is a highly enjoyable experience that veterans & newcomers will definitely hail to. This conceptual gossamer masquerades with prodigiously prestigious excellency and innovative panache which makes ARS MAGNA UMBRAE a force to revere, do check them out & dive into the cold depths of the underworld.
8 / 10
"Throne Between Worlds" Track-listing:
1. Into The Waters Of The Underworld
2. Consecrating The Shrine Of Undoing
3. Beyond The Stellar Gates
4. Treader On The Dreamless Path
5. Throne Between Worlds
6. Metempsychosis (Transmigration Of The Soul)
Ars Magna Umbrae Lineup:
K.M. - Everything
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