Heartless Soul

Armageddon Rev. 16:16

ARMAGEDDON REV. 16:16 are apparently something of a cult band in their native Cyprus. Originally […]
By Tim Bolitho-Jones
May 8, 2016
Armageddon Rev. 16:16 - Heartless Soul album cover

ARMAGEDDON REV. 16:16 are apparently something of a cult band in their native Cyprus. Originally forming way back in 1985 when they were known simply as ARMAGEDDON, they released a few demos and EPs but nothing of any major note until 2014's full-length debut "Sundown On Humanity." And while it was reasonably successful on a critical level, it wasn't heard by enough people to propel them into the Power Metal mainstream.

Their second album "Heartless Soul" seems unlikely to change that. There's no doubt their existing fanbase will welcome this into their hearts as much as the last one, but it's hard to imagine they'll attract enough new listeners away from the genre's giants on the strength of this record.

The sad truth is for all their experience, ambition and musical talents, "Heartless Soul" isn't amazing. It's okay sure, but that's all. It makes for a nice stopgap while waiting for the next HAMMERFALL album, but as soon as something better comes out this'll be confined to the shelves and never picked up again.

Which is a pity because ARMAGEDDON REV. 16:16 do have some excellent musicians in their ranks and there are a wealth of good ideas distributed across these ten tracks. They've got a nice progressive edge and aren't afraid of playing with the Power Metal formula, switching from Progressive-Speed to odd choruses, stomping mid-paced numbers and gravel-throated Death seemingly at random.

What they don't have however are any standout numbers that'll get the masses singing along. There's a serious lack of hooks and they simply aren't memorable enough to warrant repeat plays. The production isn't the best either and robs the songs of the power they need. Metal like this should be grandiose, epic and booming, instead it comes across like a demo recorded in a shed. ARMAGEDDON REV. 16:16 aren't bad, but they're not astonishing either and unless you're already a convert, this is a long way from essential.


5 / 10









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"Heartless Soul" Track-listing:
  1. Apollon Mousagetes
  2. Armageddon
  3. Figment Of Imagination
  4. AC NOS
  5. Choices Of Life
  6. Delusions Of Grandeur
  7. Heartless Soul
  8. Accursed Destiny
  9. Eternal Spirit
  10. Barcelona - Divine Madness
Armageddon Rev. 16:16 Lineup:

Nikolas Papaeftychiou - Bass
Evangelos Varnava - Drums
Kikis Apostolou - Guitars
Ilias Andreou - Guitars
Jimmy Mavrommatis - Vocals

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