Archaic Thron
January 1, 2021

ARCHAIC THORN are from Lichenstein, Germany. They play a brand of meat and potatoes, run in the mill Death Metal. But do not be fooled by this description. They are in no way run in the mill on their most recent out. But they are sure to trigger those windmills that have been been accumulating, trapped inside your metalhead bones since the lockdown. Their new output ERADICATION captures what we all know and love about gritty, grimy, and the pure fun elements of Death Metal. But careful not to put them in any boxes, I will try that too.
Right off the bat you will notice the slow and swallowing Death Metal that hits you right in the middle of your face. The band makes a strong statement starting with the very first sog on the album. "INTO ENDLESS BLACK SKY" is a midpace banger that swirls and drags the corpses into its den and munches on it till the black skies open up to shower on their immaculate blessings of doom. There are some traces of the MAYHEM even, in this dark corner of Death Metal assault.
The drums are muddled and covered with a layer of darkness and that is acceootable, even adds to the experience the album is putting on offer here. With that said, the production could have ben a little better, but I am not here to complain, but to soak in this Death Metal glory that this album, and this band has put up. The cave like shroud is welcomed not because it is a trend, but due to the richness and texture that it adds to the sound of this brand of Death Metal, espeacially of those midpaced and slow varieties. "THOUGHTLESS ERADICATION" set us off to a new path sompared to that which we heard in the first song. The German thrash influences are noticeable throughout this album and it makes your heart warm up, like seeing an old friend in the market.
On the whole, the work that the band has put into this release, to be frank, has paid of in leaps and bounds as this is a greatly written, forty three minute journey that has it's ps and downs, yet deliver on on the strong note. It leaves no bad after taste to the listener and the other songs on here like "DEATHMARCH", and "REGRESSION" are very memorable too. But the one that strikes the gold is "IMPURE DESOLATION", which marks the ending to the album and the hopeful beginning of a slew of strong releases from this talented band.
8 / 10

"Eradication" Track-listing:
1.Into Endless Black Sky
2.Thoughtless Eradication
3.Cleansing Fire
6.Extraterrestrial Blood
7.Impure Desolation
Archaic Thron Lineup:
C.L. - Guitars
M.F. - Vocals
T.R. - Drums
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