In Desolate Magnificence
Archaic Thorn
June 15, 2016

There are certain records where, just from looking at the album artwork, you can get a really good sense of what the music is going to be like. Whether it's Black Metals grainy, monochrome visuals, or Death Metals more violent and garish layouts, every genre has its own distinctive look that sets it apart from the other forms of music. Looking at the bleak and macabre painting that adorns the cover of ARCHAIC THORNs latest EP, "In Desolate Magnificence", for example, you can tell that the music contained within is likely to be every bit as dark, raw and sepulchral as its artwork implies. And when the music starts, the German trio definitely deliver on the expectations that the cover art has set potential listeners up for.
The albums opening gambit, "APERYVRAE MORTIS", is a short piece of instrumental music that does a great job of setting the listener up for the rest of the record. It's made up of some sparse guitar lines and chiming, tolling church bells that are ominous and contribute to an excellent atmosphere on this song. "Quenas", the first full track on the record, is a burst of tight, razor sharp Blackened Death Metal with a melodic edge that immediately hooks the listeners attention. In amongst these catchy and memorable musical flourishes, there's plenty of dense, cacophonous sections that, at points, border on the chaotic and the frenzied. It's a really strong and impressive song that sets a lofty bar for the rest of the EP to surpass. "Nihilumination" carries the more chaotic and jarring elements of the bands sound and gives it free reign throughout this particular track. The guitar hooks and the drumming are much more focused and driven than the previous offering, and, when coupled with the dark and dirty vocal lines on this song, they sound all the more vicious and ferocious. It's a really solid slab of bestial Death Metal that doesn't fail to please. "Splendoured Golden Urns" begins with a dense, sludgy bass riff and quickly descends into a whirl of aggressive guitar lines and punishing drumming. This, without a shadow of a doubt, is the albums best offering by a significant margin. It sounds like something that could have feasibly appeared on NAPALM DEATHs legendary "Scum" record, were it not for the prominent, eerie Black Metal trills and treble heavy tones. The fifth and final song on this record, "Unchained", is a very straight forward, mid-paced Black Metal affair, with lots of speed-driven, dissonant guitar lines, juggernaut drumming and some gruesome, tar-like vocals. It's a great way to close this EP, and as the final notes begin to fade, the listener is left wanting more.
This is one of those records that perfectly blends the dense and oppressive Death Metal style with the cryptic and funereal tones of Black Metal. There's a lot of great material on here, and each of the four main tracks that it comprises of are bonafide tunes in their own regard. Everything about this record, from the music, to the production to the excellent artwork, doesn't fail to impress, and it's guaranteed to leave all who come across it in awe of its desolate magnificence.
9 / 10
Almost Perfect

"In Desolate Magnificence" Track-listing:
2. Quenas
3. Nihilumination
4. Splendoured Golden Urns
5. Unchained
Archaic Thorn Lineup:
C.L.- Guitars
M.F.- Vocals, Bass
T.R.- Drums
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