Animae Haeretica


“Animae Haeretica” is an epic and anthemic Power Metal album with a clear conceptual and melodic framework
November 23, 2023

APOSTOLICA are a symphonic Power Metal band from Italy. Information about the band and their members is rare and all members appear with the same mask as this belongs to the band’s concept. Behind their pseudonyms are some of the finest musicians of Italy according to the band’s website. Okay then. After releasing their debut album in 2021, their sophomore album “Animae Haeretica” has a length of about 45 minutes, and it was released via Italian label Scarlet Records, which has many Power, Thrash, and Heavy Metal bands among their current roster.

The album starts with the powerful title song at a measured tempo. It is a song with heavy guitar riffing and the melodies provided by the keyboards. The chorus parts have epic and catchy sing-along melodies with a few POWERWOLF vibes. The vocals are also very powerful with a lot of background support. “Angel Of Smyma” is one of the fast and dynamic songs on the album, where the orchestral arrangements drive the melodies. It is a classical Power Metal song with powerful riffing, contributing lead guitar solos, and anthemic chorus lines. It is with barely three minutes one of the shortest album tracks. “Rasputin” is a catchy sing-along track with tight riffing during the verses while the organ parts are more in the background intensifying the sound. The chorus parts are epic. It is a mid-tempo track with a short break at a slower pace. “Rasputin” is the official video release, and the YouTube link is provided below.

Black Prophets” starts with powerful riffs, a slow tempo and a stomping rhythm. The verse parts are super heavy and driven by the guitar riffing, while during the bridge the heaviness is a bit eased off as it prepares for the anthemic chorus part. Highlight is the extended lead guitar solo, which excellently contributes to the track. “Gloria” starts fast and hard-hitting, then transitioning into a mid-tempo short verse part. The thunderous riffing and the playful lead guitar parts drive the track. The chorus melodies are epic and, no surprise, the chorus lines are again anthemic. Arguably, “Gloria” is, despite of all the melodies, one of the heaviest album tracks and one of my favorites. “Heretics” keeps it going with the faster mid-tempo pace. Listening to the verse and chorus parts, it reminds me again on POWERWOLF. The chorus parts are again sing-alongs. The break starts with arrangements at a measured pace preparing for a contributing lead guitar solo. “Tomorrow Belongs To Me” is an epic Folk inspired track at a slow pace. The melodies are catchy, and it is a great sing-along, driven by the powerful vocals of Ezekiel.Tomorrow Belongs To Me” brings a bit of a change, but still perfectly fits in to the album concept and the melodic framework. It is one of my favorite album songs.

Fire” is a fast Power Metal banger with thunderous riffing and a lot of double-bass drumming driving the song forward. The melodies have many oriental vibes, while the harsh vocals remind at times (and not only here) on ROB HALFORD. While the guitar riffing dominates the verse parts, the chorus parts are intensified by the organ contribution. “Fire” is one of few songs that is less build around anthemic choruses, it is a powerful track with emphasis on heaviness. “Veritas” returns to the epic grounds at measured tempo and sing-along melodies where the background vocals intensify the epic sound. Highlight is another excellent lead guitar solo. “Skyfall” is a mid-tempo track driven by the combined forces of the organ, the guitars, and the vocals. The chorus parts are catchy and sing-alongs once again. The album closes with “Rest In A Bed Of Roses” and it starts with a lot of double-bass, tight riffing, and the organ providing the melodies. One more time, it is an epic song with sing-along choruses at a measured tempo. The track has two distinct parts with abrupt changes in tempo and rhythm, where the chorus part is the best description of the album.

APOSTOLICA continue with their journey where they left with their debut. “Animae Haeretica” is a good Power Metal album with a clear conceptual and melodic framework. APOSTOLICA do not re-invent the Power Metal wheel, they use established concepts. Their music is heavy, powerful, epic, and anthemic. In my opinion, it is a bit too much of sing-alongs and catchy choruses, and too little versatility. Often, songs are predictable. The album is well produced. APOSTOLICA deliver an album for Power Metal fans, and they will love the music. The APOSTOLICA journey continues.

8 / 10









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"Animae Haeretica" Track-listing:
  1. Animae Haeretica
  2. Angel Of Smyma
  3. Rasputin
  4. Black Prophets
  5. Gloria
  6. Heretics
  7. Tomorrow Belongs To Me
  8. Fire
  9. Veritas
  10. Skyfall
  11. Rest In A Bed Of Roses


Apostolica Lineup:

Ezekiel – Vocals

Isala ­ Guitars

Jeremiah ­ Keyboards

Malachia – Drums

Jonas – Bass, Vocals


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