Pleasure & Pain

Apocryphal Voice

The Finnish-metal duo APOCRYPHAL VOICE'S second release dropped in December of 2014. The band's sophomore […]
By Chelsea Jennings
January 23, 2015
Apocryphal Voice - Pleasure & Pain album cover

The Finnish-metal duo APOCRYPHAL VOICE'S second release dropped in December of 2014. The band's sophomore release has been anticipated since their last release of "Still Trapped" all the way back in 2003.

The album features a very unique sound characterized by drums that have an echoing, almost-tinny sound at times. The vocals vary between thrash-like anthems and guttural, growling doom/death vocals. At times it is worth noting that the vocals almost seem drowned out by the tinny background drums, but overall it's a really unique sound that has a lot to offer the listener. There are not many other bands that have a sound that is this recognizable and unique.

Tracks such as "Underneath the Mask" and "Inner Turmoil" start out with unique riffs, and some more melodic tunes. Some of these riffs remind the listener of a thrash-metal sound. Other tracks such as "Muddy Trails" and "Rebel Angels" have more guttural, growling vocals combined with heavy guitars and a heavy, almost-tinny drumming. This is a unique mix of sounds that offers the listener a lot of different sounds to enjoy on one nine-track album.

To make APOCRYPHAL VOICE even more interesting the are a two-man band. The band is made up of Juhani Jokisalo who provides the vocals as well as bass/guitar parts, and Ville Salonen provides the drum parts to the album. For a two-piece band the duo provides incredibly full sound with some unique tinges of tinny sounds and a unique combination of thrash/doom/death sounds mixed in. For fans that enjoy something new and unique, APOCRYPHAL VOICE may be just what they have been looking for.

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"Pleasure & Pain" Track-listing:

1. Underneath the Mask
2. As Falled Species
3. As Fire Itself Dances
4. Tongue of Kali
5. Muddy Trail
6. Inner Turmoil
7. Rebel Angels
8. Waves of Transparency
9. Meglomaniac Eurphoria

Apocryphal Voice Lineup:

Juhani Jokisalo - Voice, Bass, Guitar
Ville Salonen - Drums

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