November 25, 2014

Hailing from the South West of England ANTOINETTE, the five-piece post-metal band have just released a smashing EP, "Renaissance" following up from their previous release in 2013, "Set in Sand".
Now what really separates these newcomers from the other newbies is how they presented this EP. Throwing a sense of humour and personality, found with the first track "" which is essentially a voice recorded machine with a Metal twist. Commonly use amongst most bands, ANTOINETTE have upped their game by linking the options to their band and what the EP will contain, ending this memo with "ENJOY MOTHERFUCKERS".
Essentially "Machines" featuring Justin Hill is the first proper track where we get a real sense of the bands sound. Packed with clean vocals endured in the chorus, this addition works calmingly with the roaring rages of rough vocals surrounding the song. Not conforming to the generic Metalcore sound, the quintet have classified their noise and not overdone the whole clean on screamed layout, but evened it out lesser so that they leave you with their own sent.
"Renaissance" seems to be over before it even started with only four lengthen songs, each takes it's own journey in space, packed out to the finest of detail. Despite this ANTOINETTE have done a bloody good job at keeping you entertained, feeling like the EP had lasted longer than it actually has without getting bored is one hell of a job, but the metalers are not defeated.
Pounding out one last bash "Avalanche" goes full deep in the Metal field as a catchy, fast tracked end. If you're a fan of modern Metalcore music then this is a small sample for you to devour. Tingling your taste buds with post and classic riffs, layered with shouted screamed lyrics, the young musicians deserve all credit for this masterpiece.
7 / 10

"Renaissance" Track-listing:
2. Machines ft. Justin Hill
3. Conform/Control
4. Misanthropist
5. Avalanche
Antoinette Lineup:
Benji - Vocals
Joe - Guitar, Vocals
Andy - Guitar
Sam - Bass
Tom - Drums
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