Hands Sewn Together

Anti Clone

Ah, this dilemma once again. A British band reviewed by a British writer who can't […]
By Jacob Dawson
December 26, 2014
Anti Clone - Hands Sewn Together album cover

Ah, this dilemma once again. A British band reviewed by a British writer who can't decide if he's being biased when he says that this is one hell of a debut EP. ANTI CLONE, hailing from a number of locations throughout the UK, show their many Industrial and technical Metal influences in their first release as elements from bands like SLIPKNOT, SKINDRED, and KORN all shine through and combine to create an incredible sound.

The menacing guitar riff that opens "Take This Pill" has a tone and attitude that persists throughout the release, along with a mix of vocal styles from clean and melodic, to brutal death growls. The riff in the next song "Here Comes The Flood" is worth particular praise, as straight out of the gate it hits the ground running and doesn't let up for the duration. The singing style is very reminiscent of Rap-Metal , with the lyrics coming thick and fast. The increased lyrical density does however highlight an issue with the EP, as it seems almost as if the vocals are recorded slightly too quietly and although it sounds as if the band actually have something to say on a few songs ("1984", in particular), it's hard to say exactly what as the lyrics are largely overpowered by killer riffs and thundering drums.

That said, the vocals in "1984" are what set it apart from the rest of the EP, as the harmonies make it possible to draw comparisons between ANTI CLONE, and the worlds-apart QUEEN. The basic simplicity of the music in terms of the slow, powerful drumming and the occasional explosion of a powerful guitar riff make it the standout track of the EP, as it is easily the most unique sound on offer here.

"System" is therefore second-best, as the intro with a low-pitch guitar instantly brings to mind legends SYSTEM OF A DOWN, while the speeding up of the drums during the chorus convey a power and fury that is stronger than any other one moment of the EP. "The Usurper" is a song that could be fantastic live, as Peter Moore demands we "get the fuck up!" before the main, spiralling guitar riff kicks in.

I am proud to know this band as British, and will certainly be keeping an eye out for any of their live shows as well as their future work. As debut releases go, this one's a cracker.

9 / 10

Almost Perfect

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"Hands Sewn Together" Track-listing:

1. Take This Pill
2. Here Comes The Flood
3. 1984
4. System
5. The Usurper

Anti Clone Lineup:

Peter Moore - Lead Vocals
Conor Richardson - Guitar, Vocals
Liam Richardson - Guitar, Vocals
David Cooper - Bass
Drew Moore - Drums, Programming

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