XIII Steps To Ruination


With the members having graced bands such as ABYSMAL DAWN, EXCRETION, and ARKAIK; ANNIHILATED have […]
By Brown Dwarf
December 14, 2014
Annihilated - XIII Steps To Ruination album cover

With the members having graced bands such as ABYSMAL DAWN, EXCRETION, and ARKAIK; ANNIHILATED have some pretty big, and some pretty heavy boots to fill. But as you would expect ANNIHILATED's first offering at the altar of Death Metal, "XIII Steps To Ruination" is a pretty powerful listen. "Global Enslavement" sets the opening momentum of "XIII Steps To Ruination" nicely. It has all the tradition elements of Death Metal grunt, but also adds some pretty tasty samples and bass tinkering's. "Eyes in the Sky" continues the tour de force, with samples and an almost classic Thrash sounding bass. On the surface "XIII Steps To Ruination" seems to tick all of the boxes for a pretty standard sounding Death Metal album, but as you scratch the surface there is something a bit different about it, something that you can't quite put your finger on straight away. The albums name sake "XIII Steps To Ruination" kicks off the middle of the album with a familiar sounding address from an Anonymous type activist group, citing for a new world order, a one world government. This is where it all starts to become clear. It then lunges into a face smashing, dominating ditty built around political agendas and corporate greed.

"Divide, Distract, Deceive" continues the global corruption theme, and has a pretty solid groove about it. It's the first time that we the guitar replacing the samples as a musical break, although it's refreshing and welcome it's a little too short to be hailed a solo. "For The Ignorant" has one of the best lines I have heard in recent months from an album, "Turn of your phones and Television's, this is hard to swallow, it will kill you tonight, the truth". This is very much a song that talks to the Medias constant portrayal of warfare, death and the constant lies global governments are feeding their people. ANNIHILATED have really positioned "XIII Steps To Ruination" to capture modern society's ongoing anguish and frustrations, where the majority feels over powered by the few. Track 8 "Wastelands" acts almost as a musical interlude to allow the listener time to sit back and digest all that has been heard, it clocks in at just 1m: 25s before rolling into the monumental "Creation Of Man". This is a beast of tune that powers in a straight line destroying everything in its path, until it hits the monstrous guitar solo.

The final two songs on "XIII Steps To Ruination", "Throne Of Eternity" and "Purification" bring this thought provoking and empowering album to a close. "XIII Steps To Ruination" really delves into the cynicism that exists within modern day society, a topic which surprisingly enough doesn't dominate more albums considering the state our world currently. With "XIII Steps To Ruination" ANNIHILATED effortlessly blend the key elements of classic Thrash, Tribal Sepultura-esq atmospherics, White Zombie samples, which is all wrapped up in the brutality of Death Metal.  With "XIII Steps To Ruination" ANNIHILATED have started a dialogue. They are addressing the short comings of the masses, which have been created by the minority. ANNIHILATED have weighed into a pretty big, pretty bold global discussion, and I have a feeling they will be dragging a number of us in with them.  It's time to rise!

8 / 10


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"XIII Steps To Ruination" Track-listing:

1. Global Enslavement
2. Eyes In The Sky
3. This Fear I Speak Of
4. XIII Steps To Ruination
5. Eradication Profits
6. Divide, Distract, Deceive
7. For The Ignorant
8. Wastelands
9. Creation Of Man
10. Throne Of Eternity
11. Purification

Annihilated Lineup:

Eric Matranga - Guitars, Vocals
Eric Cohen- Bass
Scott Fuller - Drums

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