Atrabilis (Residues From Verb & Flesh)

Animus Mortis

The birth of this Chilean horde (hail DEATH YELL) can be placed in the year […]
By Yiannis Doukas
April 4, 2008
Animus Mortis - Atrabilis (Residues From Verb & Flesh) album cover

The birth of this Chilean horde (hail DEATH YELL) can be placed in the year of 2004, when guitarist N. Onfray - together with vocalist Sidragath - recorded the Desolated Landscapes demo, between October and December; in came Ophiel, who joined them for the drumming duties. N. Onfray had played bass for Black Metal band THE LAST KNELL, is the drummer behind OCULUS and has an one-man-band under the name  of RUINED SANCTUARY.
During June 2005 they released a split album, presenting two new songs and all these recordings (the demo and the split) was their first release via Debemur Morti, named Thresholds Of Insanity. Three of these songs are present in this album too, and taking the opportunity I would like to mention the excellent work that this label does, keeping (on one hand) the underground 'feel' while, on the other hand, their presentations about their bands have a style that shows that they really like what they are doing & believe in it; just look at their site. I am not carving balls here, but nice work must be recognized.
After that release there are some replacements behind the drum kit, firstly with the coming of Goebbel and in the end with Horus, the drummer behind WILDE SHEER whose album The Beast Takes Flesh was released via the Chinese label Funeral Moonlight. Add also the joining of Bauda, the guy behind the self-titled folk band that had released a pretty split with LEUKU via the - also Chilean - label Tyrannus Records.
Atrabilis starts with an ambient intro and within the second track Hosannas From The Depths we are noticing a cold, haunted Black Metal style, with a misty and 'unshaped' riffology. The production works like a weapon of indeterminable close to EMPEROR's debut album.
Although there is nothing really special inside this album, except of Dying Murmur for its riff in the second minute, ANIMUS MORTIS includes a blackness that can touch some of you. Major part for this has to do with this havoc darkness that their music has, which probably can draw up the positive energy from the listener; I must mention that in many parts that shows a lack of inspiration.

6 / 10

Had Potential

"Atrabilis (Residues From Verb & Flesh)" Track-listing:

Ambivalent Aura
Hosannas From The Depths
My Ashes Inside
Dying Murmur
Among The Phlegm Of God
Ethereal Dimensions
Splendour Ruins
Thresholds Of Insanity

Animus Mortis Lineup:

N. Onfray - Guitars
Sidragath - Vocals
Bauda - Bass
Horus - Drums

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