Of Human Bondage

Angel Dust

After their 3 previous amazing albums, "Border Of Reality, "Bleed and "Enlighten The Darkness, I […]
By Aris Stremmenos
January 31, 2002
Angel Dust - Of Human Bondage album cover

After their 3 previous amazing albums, "Border Of Reality, "Bleed and "Enlighten The Darkness, I was expecting their new album with anticipation! Being delayed by some line-up changes (Bernd Aufermann - guitars, left, being replaced by Ritchie Wilkison - Demons & Wizards), their new album, entitled "Of Human Bondage is now ready to hit the streets on February the 25th.
When I finished hearing the CD for the first time, I was quite amazed on how much their sound changed in one years time! But the change isn't total, and that means you can divide the CD in two parts.
What do I mean? First of all, there are some songs that definitely are oriented to more thrash and nu-metal (?) sounds, and that being quite surprising, judging by their previous albums (but not their distant past!). Just listen to "The Human Bondage for example.
The other songs, are on the footsteps of "Enlighten..., that is melodic metal (far from the typical power metal sound) with many atmospheric elements and a slight melancholic touch, but with a wider range of songs (eg. "The Cultman).
I have to say, I enjoyed listening to "Of Human Bondage, as much as I did the previous ones, but in my opinion it may stands up to them, but isn't equal. It doesn't do "Bleed's breakthrough or doesn't have "Border Of Reality's fresh sound.
All those of you who enjoyed their other albums (from their 2nd period of course!), will certainly enjoy "Of Human Bondage.

8 / 10


"Of Human Bondage" Track-listing:

The Human Bondage
Unreal Soul
Got This Evil
The Cultman
Freedom Awaits

Angel Dust Lineup:

Dirk Assmuth - Drums
Frank Banx - Bass
Steven Banx - Keyboards
Dirk Thurisch - Vocals
Ritchie Wilkison - Guitars

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