Summits of Despondency
September 26, 2020

Striving from different life-perspectives, ANCST see themselves and one another in individual responsibilities to give this entity any sort of significance. Aware of the band's beings with all its advantages of modern society, they cannot and won't be able to close our eyes and minds from all this failed concept we're forced to deal with in our daily bases. Sick of asking whether these concepts make sense in any way or not. These are the voices of the unsatisfied. The marginalised. They are sick of being flawless and adapted. Conditioned to follow or to lead. They have not forgotten to think for ourselves. Take responsibility for ourselves. To share and to feel. This is the wrath of the unassimilated who were forced to participate in this farce. They're tired asking the same unanswered questions and using this collective to create a vent for all the accumulated frustration about democracy, fascists, racists, sexists and all the other fucked up agendas. Their storm will wash it all away. Never stop dreaming.
"Kill Your Inner Cop" starts off strong with the buildup, the tempo builds gradually. Then it kinda falls back for a second before unleashing some Hardcore style vocals that the late Riley Gale (R.I.P) of POWER TRIP would have been happy with. The song doesn't explode fully, but within itself it hits a decent level. The melodies help to add further depth to the song and as an opener its decent with also showing there will be some newer ideals from previous material.
"Inferno" keeps up the aggression and passion through the tempo. This is still featuring such a huge Hardcore element, and I'm loving it. The melodies are decent again and have the clear Blackened Thrash approach, with some slower, Sludge style riffs. It's a solid mix. Its short and to the point, good song.
"Final Hour" has the same sorta sounds as before, not changing much and this works in its favour as it keeps a theme going that will be enjoyed. This one feels more like KINGDOM OF SORROW, keeping it thick, heavy but catchy still. The beat is not intense all the way through, but it is constant. This one makes me think that live it will have fists pumping in the air rather than a huge pit. Saying that, it'll probably have both. It adds a cleaner cut guitar segment late in the song and this adds so much depth to the song, propelling it into higher grades.
"Praising the Realm of Loss" has the Death Metal intro feel executing brilliantly. The overall melody has changed and this is a good thing. It has some spoken word which further adds depth, then some Melodic solos thrown in just to add for fun. It has a breakdown in the middle, yes this is where the fucking pit opens. Its no wall of death moment, but it will get people moving. Could have exploded into something for me, but that is just personal preference. The end has another melodic flurry, harmonic is the best way of wording it. Its just brilliant. "The Burden of Hope Part I" is an instrumental, so I'm expecting it to be used as an intro for the Part II. It is a melodic and harmonic piece, very calming.
"The Burden of Hope Part II" picks up the pace very soon, its no longer calm. Something is stirring. It then goes into a melodic piece that just made me think of DEADWOOD LAKE, this is no insult at all. The Hardcore stance returns ad somehow blends into the harmonies by pulling it through with aggression. The song is a far cry from the previous, going almost Atmospheric, instrumentally. It's a slower song, but it is executed so well. It's a new style that was not expected, but is very much welcomed.
"Razed Eden" starts off slow and gentle almost. A female vocal comes on, almost Folk like. The build up in the background doesn't match the Folk feel as much, but still fells very Atmospheric. The vocals are almost too harsh for the sound, but because they are used slower than before, they just get away with it. It does build up on the pace and tempo, at this point it feels more Blackened again, less Hardcore too. It's a strange song and not sure where it fits in the album, but if the last song was the start of the less Hardcore, then it is placed well.
"Abysm of Existence" says it is a Hardcore song. The beat is set to high, the vocals are set to aggressive. This returns the styles the start of the album was soaked in. it slows down slightly towards the middle, acting as a breakdown before returning to the higher levels. It still never explodes where I think it could. The song ends without throwing in any other twists and turns, nothing wrong with it, but could have changed a few things and spiced it up.
"...of Dying" picks up the pace nicely and seems to return the vocal aggression to the better levels. The song goes on and into the intense levels we have heard without doing too much to raise the level itself, almost like it is playing safe. Once again, nothing wrong with this and I do like the song, but could have done something for it not to almost blend into the album.
"Denazification" goes into a newer sounding melody, which is a needed change for the album. The song could be going into heavier melodies and still hit the target, vocally I think it hits the mark where it can reach. The intensity levels have hit where the album limits them to, which is good in one respect and bad that they won't go higher. The song is still a good one, but misses a few explosive opportunities again. Solid finish though.
"Monotony of Anguish" has a more laidback start to the song, not slow, but no intensity, which I'm hoping will change soon. It does and doesn't. the vocals start and the pace rises ever so slightly, but not to levels we have heard this far. There is aggression in the vocals, but the melodies don't match. Maybe should have gone in harder from the off. It does try to pick up with the instrumental segment and this is a great bit, helping the song to improve. There is the breakdown and a bit more intensity without an explosion. What I wouldn't give for a pit opening explosion.
"Monolith" is the final song; will it slow down and fade out or end strong? Starting off building up nicely. Vocals kick in before the melodies get too intense, its gonna be another slower song by the sounds of it. The song slows down just before the 2-minute mark, not a breakdown but he feels of it. No explosive reaction, or really any reaction where I thought there should have been. The female vocal returns, fitting in well. It then explodes. Finally! Nothing drastic, but easy to hear the difference as the intensity grows. The song then slows down again, not too much but again, noticeable. It still keeps a decent enough level until the very end where it fades out successfully
The break in the middle of Hardcore to Atmospheric was needed. The only issue I had was I felt there should have been more changes in direction to make it better. That being said, it is still I great album, no doubt. I am still a fan of this band and I enjoyed this album
8 / 10

"Summits of Despondency" Track-listing:
1. Kill Your Inner Cop
2. Inferno
3. Final Hour
4. Praising the Realm of Loss
5. The Burden of Hope Part I (Instrumental)
6. The Burden of Hope Part II
7. Razed Eden
8. Abysm of Existence
9. ...of Dying
10. Denazification
11. Monotony of Anguish
12. Monolith
Ancst Lineup:
Tom - Everything
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