Dreams Of Death And Dismay


What can we really tell about Sweden? A country full of pioneering bands, with a […]
By Makis Kirkos
May 19, 2001

What can we really tell about Sweden? A country full of pioneering bands, with a tradition to melodic/harmonic Death metal. Some people may believe that...That's that...!!! But it's not like that...

Bands like Deranged and Nasum leading the underground scene, but are Anata underground or not? Who knows...Who cares...Anata are perfectly mixing pure Death with technical and melodic tunes that none can say that they are Brutal Death neither Melodic Death. The tricky part with these guys is that they have the standards of Corpselike sickening melodies with their style of playing but still they hold on to themselves not allowing anyone to name them another 'rip off' band. They personalized their style to what we were missing nowadays, Bone-Crushing death metal with great sound and technical parts that are neither too technical like some 'virtuoso bands' neither the fake 'OK, we are good musicians...let us record something it's hard to play'.

This 7 year old band from Sweden has released an album that I had quite a long time to listen...I suppose that if they keep up I will be amazed in their next album.

P.S: The only part that is bad about them is the C.O.Flike screams in some parts ( I really hated those).

P.S2: What is the difference Between a Swedish and a Norwegian crawfish??? The Norwegian screams

7 / 10


"Dreams Of Death And Dismay" Track-listing:

Die Laughing
Faith, Hope, Self-Deception
God Of Death
Metamorphosin By The Well Of Truth
Can't Kill What's Already Dead
The Enigma Of Number Three
Drain Of Blood
The Temple/Erratic

Anata Lineup:

Fredrik Schalin - Vocals, Lead Guitar
Henrik Drake - Bass Guitar
Andreas Allenmark - Guitars
Robert Petersson - Drums

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