Throw Down The Gauntlet


Swiss Iron Maiden
October 16, 2024

From Switzerland we have the band AMETHYST that is releasing their first work Throw Down The Gauntlet via No Remorse Records. The band was born during the Covid years (as many others I believe) and now they are presenting the fruit of their labor. I usually do not have the opportunity to review bands from Switzerland and my knowledge of Swiss rock is limited to KROKUS. Let’s check what they got. The album starts with "Embers On The Loose” and immediately reminds me of IRON MAIDEN in the music arrangement department. Galloping bass and  2 guitar players dueling solos. I like what I hear so far. The next one is “Stand Up And Fight” and the approach changes a little. We go into a more slow paced but still energetic Hard Rock but still, with an IRON inspired mid section. The guitar duo of Yves and Ramon are a solid one with interesting ideas and enough space to let each other shine. ‘Won't Do It Again” is next and until the singer starts, I could swear that it was a song from that traditional British Heavy Metal band that I have mentioned twice in this text already and I will not write their name in capital letters again.

Somebody, or everybody from AMETHYST must love that British band and their style of music. We reach halfway with “Running Out Of Time” (Not Running Free) that starts with a slower intro and gets warmer as we go adding singing melody and  some baking vocals. The singing melodies did not impress me so far. On all tracks you can clearly hear the competent work of bass player Miguel Sanches that has his bass very well present in the mix as it should. Steve Harris would be proud. The good “Rock Knights” start and bring the high energy back. Good riff and for me the best of the album so far. This track also has a nice midsection before the piercing guitar solos. I really do not want to bother the reader with my constant comparisons with the aforementioned British band but it is just too clear in my mind that this album sounds just like them in the early days with a different singer. The bass, the guitar duo and their riffs, everything.  Well, enough of that.

We then reach “Queen Of A Thousand Burning Hearts“ that also has a good riff and interesting arrangement. In the beginning I thought it was a ballad but I am glad to be wrong. AMETHYST also has a good drummer in Nicko M.. Sorry, Eldo, that takes care of the job with competence accenting the bass riff like in the also good “Take Me Away”. So, all the pieces are there and the only thing that disappointed me was the singing and some of the melodies. Singer Freddy is able to sing on tune and it is not unpleasant to hear his voice. However, in my opinion, it is too bland for the wall of energy behind him. This is Heavy Metal and the vocalist needs to impress, especially when you have competent musicians behind you. The limit on the vocal range will reflect on the singing melodies. The adding of more high notes, some screams, some grittiness in the correct parts of the song makes it more interesting for the Metal listener. The vocal melody is the hook that grabs the listener and the singer needs to provide the emotions in the singing. We end our journey with “Serenade (Under The Rising Moon) “ that has a nice intro before getting to the energetic riffs and has a more interesting chorus that you can grab your eras to. Good first release from AMETHYST. My advice would be exploring more the musical parts and getting out of that MAIDEN shell a little by adding your personal touches as well as inspiration from the thousands of good bands out there. For the singer, a metal singer coach.

6 / 10

Had Potential








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"Throw Down The Gauntlet" Track-listing:

1. Embers On The Loose

2. Stand Up And Fight

3. Won't Do It Again

4. Running Out of Time

5. Rock Knights

6. Queen Of A Thousand Burning Hearts

7. Take Me Away

8. Serenade (Under The Rising Moon)


Amethyst Lineup:

Frëddy - Vocals
Ramon - Guitar
Yves - Guitar
Miguel Sanchez - Bass

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