

I was amazed to find out that this band has managed to create a small […]
By Yiannis Dafopoulos
April 12, 2009
Amesoeurs - Amesoeurs album cover

I was amazed to find out that this band has managed to create a small underground legacy with just one release. Even though I hear the name AMESOEURS for the first time, I came across many people over the internet that were talking about their debut EP and its magnificent compositions. Their status and their weird music were two things that made me really curious about his album.

AMESOEURS are coming from France, a country that is mostly known in the Metal scene for its Black Metal bands (don't let me start a list here). They debuted with an EP release in 2006, and that release was the one that helped them make a name for themselves. After one split release with VALFUNDE in 2007, here comes the band's first and latest full-length release. Their first album entitled Amesoeurs.

Many people give the band's music weird characterizations such as Shoegaze, Post Punk and other names that are kind of hard for me to understand. The only tag that remains the same in every characterization is Black Metal, a genre that was always under experimentations by various bands, one of which being the French quartet. Since I don't even know what the fuck Shoegaze is, I will try to describe their music in my own words. First of all, there is only a small dose of Black Metal in this album, and it surely isn't the brutal side of it. On top of it, AMESOEURS have added some New Wave, Post Punk or however you want to call them elements making a result that some compare to ALCEST (a band that involves Neige, who also is a part of the French Black Metal band PESTE NOIRE). My humble opinion is that the dark melodic Black Metal passages and the smooth Rock songs with female vocals are things that probably don't go together, or at least someone hasn't managed to mix them successfully.

I am sorry but this whole JOY DIVISION and CURE meets melancholic Black Metal thing is not really what would send shivers down my spine. I haven't listened to their EP, but if it sounds like this album I am really starting to wonder about the state of the underground scene.

4 / 10

Nothing special

"Amesoeurs" Track-listing:

Gas In Veins
Les Ruches Malades
Faux Semblants
Trouble (Eveils Infames)
Video Girl
La Reine Trayeuse
Au Crepuscule De Nos Reves

Amesoeurs Lineup:

Neige - Guitar, Bass, Vocals
Audrey - Clean Vocals
Fursy Teyssier - Guitar
Winterhalter - Drums

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