Hate, Malice, Revenge (Reissue)

All Shall Perish

Ahh, "Hate, Malice, Revenge"; the very beginnings of seminal Death Metal/Deathcore band ALL SHALL PERISH. […]
By Daniel Fox
February 10, 2015
All Shall Perish - Hate

Ahh, "Hate, Malice, Revenge"; the very beginnings of seminal Death Metal/Deathcore band ALL SHALL PERISH. Beginning with heavy influences from the European Death Metal world, their style began to quickly taper off into Deathcore after their debut effort. One bonus of album reissues: to be given the chance to express the testimony of a classic; all bands start somewhere, and people deserve to know the band that existed before Ben Orum and Eddie Hermida left.

The beauty of ALL SHALL PERISH is their standing as one of the few Deathcore bands that stood tall, strong above the crowd of v-necks and edgy undercuts, among other titans such as THE RED CHORD and THE ACACIA STRAIN; this album, released in 2003, is where it all began. Breakdowns were used intelligently, if not sparingly, and at least half of the fretboard is used. Of course, I jest.

"Deconstruction" brings down the heavy upon one's head; easily considered a straight-up raw, Death Metal track, bringing to mind the work of SUFFOCATION and SINISTER, this brand of underproduced, blunt-edged Deathcore is sure to bring a shock to the senses of the new, young, up-and-coming Deathcore fans who forget about bands outside of BRING ME THE HORIZON. "Laid to Rest", however, builds itself up to some kind of monument, and is exactly as foreboding and solemn as it sounds. A seminal example of arrangement, it tends to avoid the blast-beats and the sharp grooves for quasi-melodic guitar riffs that thunder with deep, reverberating 'booms'. The broken body of the listener is finally laid to rest in the track's final movements, with brutal, molecularly-breaking decrescendos.

"The Spreading Disease" is, by far, my favourite track on this release, simply for its wild and frantic shifts and post-breakdown whiplash.  Sticking out like a snapped thumb, it is comprised of peculiar and unpredictable chord progressions (as opposed to being infested by chugged open strings and minors), but incredulously and constantly shifts between multiple different kinds of heavy; crushing, grooving and the razor-sharp; some of the viciously-fast riffs nodding forward to recent DEICIDE efforts. "Herding the Brainwashed" signals the end of the album with some of the fastest, most frenetic riffing on the release; the intro a veritable hurricane of meaty, blitzing riffs and blast-beats, and begins to, rather awkwardly, switch it up between blasts, drawn-out break-downs and some rather infectious grooves. I can't put my finger on it, but for whatever reason, earlier pieces such as "The Spreading Disease" and the almost-Melodeath "Sever the Memory" manage these changes much more smoothly and efficiently. If the band was going for jarring, they succeeded.

I do not necessarily consider myself an ALL SHALL PERISH fan by any means, nor particular fond of the style of music they contributed to fostering. However, I can appreciate that the band has incredibly strong roots; the 'early days' are unfortunately overlooked when it comes to such bands, since it's often where their best music is found.

8 / 10


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"Hate, Malice, Revenge (Reissue)" Track-listing:

1. Deconstruction
2. Laid to Rest
3. Our Own Grave
4. The Spreading Disease
5. Sever the Memory
6. For Far Too Long
7. Never Ending War
8. Herding the Brainwashed

All Shall Perish Lineup:

Craig Betit − Vocals
Caysen Russo − Guitar, Vocals
Ben Orum − Guitar
Mike Tiner − Bass Guitar
Matt Kuykendall - Drums

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