To the Edge of Time
February 28, 2015

Coming from the land down under, ALITHIA call themselves makers of "Astral Space Core". With a sound that takes the most abstract sounds from ANIMALS AS LEADERS and other bands of the like, it is not too much of a stretch to call this the birth of a new genre.
It is no lie that opener "Thirteen Revolutions" envelops you in astral surroundings. The entire concept of the musicality and lyrics are somewhat otherworldly. Whilst this is jarring and somewhat off putting on first listen, the sounds peel away after a few runs through, allowing you to see the true aspect of each track. However, this is a lot of effort on the listener's part, and even the most devoted follower of this type of music may find it a grind.
Listening to this album is like panning for gold; sometimes there will be a small nugget of pure greatness, see "Sacrifice". But the other times, all you end up with is lackluster mediocre tracks. Which is a great shame, as bands working within this type of music are often host to standout albums.
I will however mention what is perhaps this albums most redeeming quality, the vocals. The twin vocalist dynamic is used as a doorway to this form of music. It is what many first time listeners will cling on to, and it is rather well done here. The vocals sit within their own space in the music; they are not there to overly complicate things. The best example of this is the opener "Thirteen Revolutions".
Now I am all for grand landscapes and conceptual ideas in music. Not only is there a widening market for this, as each band that breaks through seems to bring something new to the table. But this is somewhat overdone here. The ambient sounds wear thin, as you are subjected to them for another five minute plus track, and you are left with the feeling than maybe this could have been better if it was a little more 'normal' and a little less 'out there'.<
5 / 10

"To the Edge of Time" Track-listing:
1. Thirteen Revolutions
2. Sacrifice
3. On a Mountain
4. Tribulations Rise
5. Satellites
6. Here I am
7. The Veil
AlithiA Lineup:
John - Guitar, Vocals
Danny - Keys, Vocals
Tibor - Bass
Vel - Drums
Jeff - Percussion, Keys, Vocals
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