Captain Morgan's Revenge


Somewhere in 2004 one band appeared in Scotland with the name BATTLEHEART, releasing two EPs […]
By Yiannis Doukas
March 20, 2008
Alestorm - Captain Morgan's Revenge album cover

Somewhere in 2004 one band appeared in Scotland with the name BATTLEHEART, releasing two EPs in the year 2006. After that and in the beginning of the previous year they decided to change their name to ALESTORM, keeping a 'pirate' concept behind. Napalm Records offered them the chance and here is their debut, ready to sail for unknown seas hunting treasures that lie buried into unknown islands, together with some visits in taverns were the beer is plenty and the girls pretty and willing to offer their secret graces.
ALESTORM is like these movies with Johnny Depp playing the pirate role; you can have a nice and pleasant time watching them but after that nothing special will stay in your mind. These Scottish remind me a lot of the guitar work of GRAVE DIGGER, having also a Power Metal ultra happy disposal based upon easy and ear-friendly songs, some of them with remarkable refrains like the self-titled one or the 'catchy' Nancy The Tavern Wench.
Surely some of you will find some cool things and the majority will enjoy at least some songs, but on the other hand the endless use of keyboards reduce the power and 'Metal' air from the music and - after 20 minutes - this constant accordion part becomes really embarrassing and boring, revealing lack of ideas and inspiration. Their structure is based upon simple guitars substratum with vocals and keyboards trying to take the listener's attention.
There is no connection with the music of RUNNING WILD, except for the 'pirate' lyrical concept and this candy mood is closer to RHAPSODY, performed by drunken one-eyed captains. Because of the catchy-ness of their music it is not impossible to become more famous in the future. I hope in the forthcoming albums for some Marshall reinforcement. 'Till then, see ya in Port Royal.

6 / 10

Had Potential

"Captain Morgan's Revenge" Track-listing:

Over The Seas
Captain Morgan's Revenge
The Huntmaster
Nancy The Tavern Wench
Death Before The Mast
Terror On The High Seas
Set Sail And Conquer
Of Treasure
Wenches & Mead
Flower Of Scotland

Alestorm Lineup:

Christopher Bowes - Vocals, Keyboards
Gavin Harper - Lead, Rhythm Guitar
Dani Evans - Bass
Ian Wilson - Drums

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