Seven Steps Of Stone
April 6, 2009

Probably it's going to be a habit for those guys from Italy to first release an album and after that send the promo. The first time was two years, now it was only twenty days. So maybe their third album makes it on time to our headquarters.
Even though I had the promo CD in my hands for only a few days , I listened to it several times. Having heard a part of their previous album, In Tenebra, I must admit that they did make a few steps forward. But I'm afraid not enough. They have a some good ideas here and there, but their mixture of progressive thrash and power with the inevitable OPETH-like forms in some parts, since this sound unfortunately is in fashion, didn't said much to me and - in my humble opinion - they started being boring from the middle of the album and on. The pronunciation of Dave surely is better but still needs a lot of work as a singer in general. But besides those things, I strongly believe that the biggest problem of ALEPH is that they don't have their own identity. And that's a big problem especially in our days with tones of new releases.
Seven Steps Of Stone is not a crap album, but it's not above average, too. Good production (well who doesn't have one in year 2009?), some good ideas but that's all. They still have a lot to do in order for their name to be heard. Until then...
5 / 10
"Seven Steps Of Stone" Track-listing:
The Cradle And The Blade
Bringer Of Light
The Voices From Below (2349 A.D.)
An Autumn Colder Than Winter
Tidal Wave
Epitaph Lies
El Aleph
Aleph Lineup:
Dave Battaglia - Vocals, Guitar
Giulio Gasperini - Keyboards
Manuel Togni - Drums
Lorenzo Fugazza - Guitar
Antonio Ceresoli - Bass
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