Alchemy Fire

Alchemy Fire

Metal maniacs, rejoice! I am proud to present to you: ALCHEMY FIRE; signed via Qumran […]
By Craig Rider
May 22, 2023
Alchemy Fire - Alchemy Fire album cover

Metal maniacs, rejoice! I am proud to present to you: ALCHEMY FIRE; signed via Qumran Records, hailing from England and the United States of America - performing Progressive Heavy Metal, on their new self-titled full-length studio album: "Alchemy Fire" (released 12.05.2023). Since formation in 2018; the quintet in question have only released a full-length self-titled studio album in their discography so far, 9 tracks ranging around 40 minutes; ALCHEMY FIRE arranges an intricately designed formula on some heavy-hitting Progressive Heavy Metal developments.

Opening up with this synthetic symphony that barrages eardrums with tight thuds & sturdy firepower expertise, "Alchemy" fabricates a blistering frenzy in boisterously bouncy calamity... executing a harmonic aesthetic in piercing rumbles of reverberating strife. Stridently swiftly with rampantly rompy nimbleness & vivacious zeal that's most stampeding; while monolithic tempo bombastically clobbers a belting craftsmanship momentum that surges with tight, punchline rifts that rollick with thundering maelstrom technicality. "Modern Hero" trailblazes with sonically seamless rips from dexterously dynamic guitar virtuoso Paul Wright, quintessentially shredding with organic substance & sulphurous rhythms that slab with solid but concretely gritty manifestation of venomous frolics/chugging bulldozing that's rather volatile whilst meaty.

A catchy distinction in distinguished density flamboyantly ramifies with rawly rough tonality; renegading through with operatic foundations as "Dust From Bone'' heralds a crescendo building immersivity with tremolo swerving jazz aesthetics, creating a hybrid but experimental meticulance on salubriously thrilling hooks and captivating strikes that pursuit with alluring but buoyantly ethereal ebullience... while "S.D.R." gallops intensely with more stompy adrenaline from amplified slammer Tom Schofield. Who rambunctiously piledrives with thumpy smacks and audible bass flickers, as a crunchy groove-bomb distilment throttles speakers with mighty precision whilst uproarious vocals from high-pitched screamer David Reed Watson surges those pipes with sublime shouting... of which throaty singing unearths this mystical but entrancing chant, forging a grandiose grandeur in prodigiously persistent perseverance that's most angelic - especially in "I Am Your Sorrow".

"Native Son" showcases inventive but cordial keyboardist virulence within Neil Taylor's mythical yet charismatic and upbeat tones that revolve through with the grindy but infectious injections of relentlessly vehement versatilities that utilises complexly gripping hooks that provide this Power Metal flair embedded for good measure. While songs like "What You Say", the penultimate banger "Warrior" & the finale epic "Iconoclast" have a diverse yet thrusting rev to them... whilst memorable songwriting musicianship prowess provides skilful talent with profusely robust synergy that's vigorously rigorous all around.

Overall concluding "Alchemy Fire"; I am compelled to say that ALCHEMY FIRE most surely outdone themselves with this one, and for a debut effort. An impactful impulse throughout the record soars through with rampaging stability, making this record most worthy of spinning & re-playing a good few times, so do check it out should you fancy a healthy dose of some Progressive Heavy Metal contrast.

8 / 10









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"Alchemy Fire" Track-listing:

1. Alchemy
2. Modern Hero
3. Dust from Bones
4. S.D.R
5. I Am Your Sorrow
6. Native Son
7. What You Say
8. Warrior
9. Iconoclast

Alchemy Fire Lineup:

Paul Wright - Lead Guitars
David Reed Watson - Vocals
Felipe Kopke - Bass
Tom Schofield - Drums
Neil Taylor - Keyboards

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