

On July eighth, ALBURNUM presented to us their premiere album, "Buitenlucht," a Folk/Black Metal album. […]
By Allen Peters
July 11, 2022
Alburnum - Buitenlucht album cover

On July eighth, ALBURNUM presented to us their premiere album, "Buitenlucht," a Folk/Black Metal album. Originally one, but now made up of two members, named only as D. B. and R. v. R., (with a little v), this mysterious duet had everything mixed and mastered by W. Damiaen at Catacomben Studios, Tilburg. A proud production of Babylon Doom Cult Records, this underground band from the shadows of The Netherlands, has only brought to the table four tracks to dig into today. The album logo was by Viral Designs with a special thanks also given to R. v. H. for helping with it. All of the music, lyrics and artwork were done by D. B. This should be an interesting concept by two artists that put their heart and soul into this project to make it their own. Let's get started and see what it is all about.

It starts out opening with a dreaded feeling of terrible things that must be certain to come in the future of this album. These repetitive inflictions to your ear by drum and guitar want you you be afraid. It works pretty well in getting you there. It has a little bit of an unexpected metal medley in the middle before getting back to the mission at hand, keeping you in the mood to keep you looking over your shoulder like you are in a horror movie. It is about what I was expecting.

"Eeuwig Licht," is chapter, or song number two in this tale. It is a little more aggressive in the beginning than the first song was, but it soon chills out and the folk influences come out, right before the growls and background vocals lead up to more lead play from the guitar. This song is nothing like the first one, which makes me wonder what they have in store for us with the last two of four.

The title track, "Buitenlucht," has hints of how we started, simple repetitious drums and chord strumming. Musically, everything is rather simple and not very complex. The simplicity continues all of the way through until the end.

When we do make it to the end, it sounds like the beginning. At least we know what to expect if there is a next time. I'm guessing that it will sound a lot like this song, "Fluisterend Water." It is not anything that you have not heard before. That does not make it bad, it is who they are.

6 / 10

Had Potential








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"Buitenlucht" Track-listing:

1.  Ik Kan Niet Zien
2.  Eeuwig Licht
3.  Buitenlucht
4.  Fluisterend Water

Alburnum Lineup:

D. B. - Vocals
D. B. - Guitar
R. v. R. - Drums
R. v. R. - Backup Vocals
D. B. - Bass

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