Grey and Dry

It’s common to think of Mexico as a region with problems to deal with earthquake and volcanoes, and even for its huge Metal scene (it’s not a coincidence that many European and US Metal acts go to the country, even when they don’t have dates for Central and South America). But it’s the first time a release of Hardcore arrives at my hands, and I’m truly lucky, because the first album of AGONISTA, from Tijuana/San Diego, called “Grey and Dry” is an amazing release. Recorded and mixed by Patrick Alexander at Cacho Estudio, with mastering being done by Brad Boatright at Audiosiege, the sonority is far from something complex or full of digital corrections. It’s a simple and nasty model for Hardcore acts to sound: aggressive, nasty and thunderous, with a clear organic orientation.
But don’t get the wrong idea: it’s defined and everything can be understood without problems. And the artwork and layout designed by the drummer/singer Adrian Balderrama ( is truly amazing, worked on grey and black contrasts, fitting on the quartet’s musical ideas. The band sounds as a massive and furious Hardcore/Crossover/D-Beat attack on the ears, even with some classic Punk Rock touches (as heard on the caustic “Eyes of Despair”). Of course some listeners can feel the touch of acts as D.R,I., S.O.D., DISCHARGE, SEPULTURA and NUCLEAR ASSAULT on the band’s musical core, and it’s truly nasty, aggressive and full of those old and good musical hooking elements of the genre (intense guitar riffing, catching tempos and all those stuff). It’s a matter of hearing and becoming in love with the band’s music.
“Grey and Dry” is a savage protest against xenophobia and all those hate speech elements that are usual by politicians. But it’s intensity can be heard on musical onslaughts as “Larvas” (a violent puke of aggressiveness with fast tempos and a Punk Rock uncompromised feeling on the snarls vocals and backing vocals), “Grey and Dry” (check how the rhythms depicts very good groove and intensifies the aggressiveness), “Abuse/Diffuse” (it’s the right song for pogo and stage dives, and what great hooks), “Eyes of Despair” (this uncompromised feeling depicts how Metal and Punk Rock got along on MOTÖRHEAD’s music, and what great guitar riffs and arrangements), “Bazofia” (again the band focuses its contrasts between fast and slow tempos, and excellent instrumental arrangements), “Medication” (as simple as it could be, as excellent as it can be, and what great and hooking guitars and vocals), “In Haste” (a HC/Crossover puke on the face of hate speech lovers built upon a nasty and simple instrumental sheath), “Muertos” and… Stop right now! This release is a strong candidate to become a classic, so check “Wrecked Inside”, and even the instrumental ones “MMXXIII” and “MMXLIII”. And all the songs are short, so you’ll never get bored of the album.
If you’re in love with politicians that love hate speech, stay away and never meet AGONISTA’s guys on the streets. If you are one that is going to say a big fuck you to parasites as Trump and Bolsonaro, “Grey and Dry” is for you!
10 / 10

"Grey and Dry" Track-listing:
- Larvas
- Grey and Dry
- Abuse/Diffuse
- Eyes of Despair
- Bazofia
- Medication
- In Haste
- Muertos
- Wrecked Inside
Agonista Lineup:
Adrian Balderrama - Vocals, Drums
Fernando Cruz - Guitars, Backing Vocals
Alex Martinez - Guitars, Backing Vocals
John Brady - Bass
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