May 27, 2018
AGHASURA is a brutal death metal band from the U.S. Released on May 18th via Transcending Records comes the bands debut E.P. "Revelations." While the E.P. boasts six songs of technical slaughtering the duration of each track is summed up short and sweet. Only two songs exceed the three-minute mark. With military style precision and execution, they swoop in, deliver unsuspected destruction, then get out. If you are still able to stand your head will be left swirling with wonder of what exactly just happened. Filled with plenty of odd time changes and signatures, some organized chaos fret work, selective and seldom but well placed leads, the rotation of two vocalists, and rapid fire rhythms, AGHASURA has proven themselves as skilled and methodical bringers of brutality.
"Revelations" made me wonder how long were these guys pent up in a cage? As "Idols of Ibis" opens the gates and there off like it's the Kentucky Derby. Full speed ahead and no looking back. You better pay attention because like I said before, it happens, and it happens fast. I'm not talking just ripping on a couple of notes along side some blast beats. These guys make full use of the available options for sound you can produce by a guitar in each arrangement. Formed in 2013 and putting the finish touches on "Revelations" in 2017 for this years unveiling, AGHASURA did their time to ensure their debut wasn't going to be a premature flop. The first preview was delivered as the albums teaser single "Kshatriya." One of four social order in the Hindu society. Musically represented by some hints of black metal style vocals dripping with guttural grotesqueness and thrash style drum work. The ride isn't showing any signs of slowing down or letting up. These guys have the stamina of an asylum occupant on a rampage.
My only gripe is the horrible ride cymbal sound used on "Hideous Revelations." The high frequency metal clanking over rides any other sounds with its presence. Taking away any enjoyment of the track by just burying it among a slew of compacted aluminum at a recycling plant. The mix itself is decent, although at times you get the feeling of 50 people trying to go through the same door. Sounds fighting over the the same space and not mixed properly. This is more noticeable on PC speakers but in the car a couple E.Q. adjustments and it's hardly noticeable. The biggest upside to AGHASURA's "Revelations" E.P. is the originality. Notice I made no mention or comparison to another band, or possible influence? Of course there could be, but honestly, nothing stuck out waving a flag in my face. They have done a fine job of not letting any one influence dictate their sound, thus making them very original and will see them defined by their own merit and custom sound.
8 / 10
"Revelations" Track-listing:
1. Idol of Ibis
2. The Forecast Engine
3. Kshatriya
4. Anointed with the Ashes of the Dead
5. The Scourge of Nineveh
6. Hideous Revelations
Aghasura Lineup:
Eric Gill - Bass
Metal Jim Bush - Vocals
Dan Long - Guitar
Paul Ozz - Vocals, Drum Programming
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