Frozen Aggressors


“Frozen Aggressors“ will have its share of fans who like a more modern and experimental Thrash Metal sound
February 12, 2024

AGGRESSION hailing from Quebec, Canada were initially formed in 1985. After being active for four years and a short spell in 2005, they reformed in 2014. The Thrash Metal outfit released one EP and now their sixth full-length album. “Frozen Aggressors“ was produced, mixed, and mastered by Dan Yakimov (SKULLHAMMER). The album has a length of about 38 minutes, and it was released via German Death, Black, Power, and Gothic Metal specialists Massacre Records.

 The album starts fast and aggressive with “C.H.U.D. Invasion”. The opening track is driven by the tight riffing, the crunching basslines, and the lead guitars. It is an instrumental and serves a bit as a pre-lude to “Circus Of Deception”, even though there is no transition between both tracks. The track has a bit of a slow start but comes quickly to life with devastating riffs at high speed. The riffing does not follow the classical Thrash Metal riffing, it has a bit more technicality. The vocals are harsh and are around the medium end of the vocal range with little variability. On the downside, the vocals sound a bit subdued and are overpowered by the guitars. Highlight of the track is the extended lead guitar solo. “Circus Of Deception” is the official video release, and the YouTube link is provided below. “Song #666” starts as another fast track with flesh-ripping riffs, and thankfully, the vocals are more prominent compared to “Circus Of Deception”. While the verse parts are driven by the staccato type of riffing and the aggressive vocals, the chorus parts as well as the extended mid-tempo break take off the dynamics and aggression of the track unfortunately.

 Crib Of Thorns” starts at a measured tempo with epic melodies, transitioning into a fast and dynamic verse part, where the riffing is simple, direct and includes a few Punk vibes. The vocals and the basslines fit perfectly into this somehow different sound. The chorus parts are played at mid-tempo. Highlight of the track is another contributing lead guitar solo. “Holiday In Sodom” is a mid-tempo track, driven by the guitars and the strong basslines. While the verse and chorus parts are a bit below par in terms of riffing and melodies, the break is powerful at a measured tempo with an almost stomping rhythm. However, overall, “Holiday In Sodom” cannot quite keep up with most album tracks. While the two previous tracks were a bit different compared to the other album tracks, “Satanic Cult Gangbang” goes back to well-tried territory. It is a fast and hammering Thrash Matel attack with some changes in tempo and rhythm during the track. “Queen Of The Damned” is another fast Thrash assault with an extended instrumental introduction. The guitar riffing and the crushing basslines drive the track, while the vocals show some versatility with a few tonal shifts towards higher notes. What sticks in mind are the guitars, the riffing as well as the lead guitar solos. The album finishes with “Hyperspectral Winter Incursions” and this one introduces a bit of a grim atmosphere as it starts with an extended acoustic guitar and spoken word passage, transitioning into a powerful dark track with thunderous riffing at a measured tempo at a head-banging rhythm. It is not only the longest album track, it also differs from all others in terms of atmosphere, song textures, and song complexity. As the track goes on, it becomes faster and turns into mid-tempo after around four minutes, while the break introducing the lead guitar solo is played at breakneck speed after around six minutes. The track finds, however, its way back to the initial dark atmosphere. “Hyperspectral Winter Incursions” is the album highlight for me.

 Frozen Aggressors“ is not the classical Thrash Metal album. AGGRESSION deliver an album that is technical and has a lot of progressive elements besides the traditional Thrash Metal riffing. It is not the most straightforward-to-listen album and lacks a bit of catchiness at times. The album is well produced. “Frozen Aggressors“ will have its share of fans who like a more modern and experimental Thrash Metal sound.

8 / 10









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"Frozen Aggressors" Track-listing:
  1. C.H.U.D. Invasion
  2. Circus Of Deception
  3. Song #666
  4. Crib Of Thorns
  5. Holiday In Sodom
  6. Satanic Cult Gangbang
  7. Queen Of The Damned
  8. Hyperspectral Winter Incursions
Aggression Lineup:

Kyle Hagen Vocals, Bass

Denis Barthe Guitars, Vocals

Dave Watson ­ Guitars

Ryan Idris Drums, Vocals

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