A Game of Whispers

Age of Distraction

The ebb and flow of the album, over long hills and jagged cliffs will have the listener on the edge of his seat. Although the energy and spirit on the album are often charged, there are also very tender and emotional moments that draw you in and give you pause. Their musicianship is also fantastic, but at their core, they are wonderful songwriters and storytellers.

From Bandcamp, “A Game of Whispers” features 12 tracks that epitomize the band’s contemporary progressive rock and melodic metal sound. The album explores the consequences of toxic relationships and communication breakdown, weaving those emotional beats into sonic tapestries that thread the lines between beauty and intensity.” It has 12 songs, and “The Uninvited” is first, and it’s a short and somber piano led song. The robotic spoken words hold some key to the theme of communication breakdown.

“Break My Bones” has a wonderful mix of keyboards and guitars, presented on a smooth, melodic path. The vocals are also easy listening, and there is a strong emotional quality to the music. But, it still has that “off the beaten path” type of sound that is Progressive Rock. “Compromised” has a darker and heavier sound, with fantastic bass work, and Charlie reaches deep for some high vocal work in the chorus. “Protect Me” is more pensive in nature, and the ethereal, emotional sound eases in slowly, until the chorus, where it is belted. The simple leads notes are also very effective in carrying the emotions…sometimes it just takes the right note or two.

“The Plea” is a short transitional song, and again, a simple lead break carries the melody into the clouds. “Take Me Down” is another thoughtful song, and one theme on the album so far is that if you let your guard down a little and let the songs carry you, they will carry you safely while you close your eyes. The melodies here are fantastic. The title track is a bit darker, but with no less melody, and the shifts into sweeping feelings at times and more introspective at others is just great songwriting. The music crescendos at just the right time, and the harsh vocals are daring. “The Point of No Return” has some wonderfully melodic leads in the beginning, and the groove it settles into is one that will get your head moving. I get some strong RUSH vibes in this instrumental as well.

“Oceans” has a deep and vast sound as the title would suggest. What starts off gentle and innocuous turns to a burdensome plea to someone we can’t see. It seems like a turning point in the album for me. “The Left Unsaid” is the final transitional song, and we are in for two more points in the tale. “Sneak Attack” is the long song in the album, and there is plenty of time for it to build. It begins fairly smooth and gentle once more, but the band turns up the emotion in the vocal harmonies in the chorus, and they drive that chorus home. This time, the lead break is both thoughtful and dexterous, and those runs are done at lightning speed. “My Peace” closes the album, and a listener, you finally feel calm and can just draw a deep breath.

The ebb and flow of the album, over long hills and jagged cliffs will have the listener on the edge of his seat. Although the energy and spirit on the album are often charged, there are also very tender and emotional moments that draw you in and give you pause. Their musicianship is also fantastic, but at their core, they are wonderful songwriters and storytellers.

9 / 10

Almost Perfect








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"A Game of Whispers" Track-listing:

1. The Uninvited

2. Break My Bones

3. Compromised

4. Protect Me

5. The Plea

6. Take Me Down

7. A Game of Whispers

8. The Point of No Return

9. Oceans

10. The Left Unsaid

11. Sneak Attack

12. My Peace


Age of Distraction Lineup:

John Cook – Guitars

Charlie Bramald – Vocals

Mark Gatland – Bass, Keyboards

Dom Bennison – Drums, Guitars, Keyboards


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