The Rarity of Reason

After Earth

AFTER EARTH started screaming its rage into a cold world in 2017 in Sweden. Slowly […]
By Laura Glover
September 5, 2023
After Earth - The Rarity of Reason album cover

AFTER EARTH started screaming its rage into a cold world in 2017 in Sweden. Slowly building the band up to playing shows in 2019. The pandemic changed that for them, as it did for most of the world. The pandemic brought the world into lockdowns, and it was much harder for bands to produce music and get it out to the world, let alone play and practice together. But many bands persisted in spite. After all, we needed music still. What is a world without music? So, AFTER EARTH formed at a hard time, and their band lineup changed several times throughout. But due to the persistence of the current members, we have the culminations of all the efforts it took to get here; released August 18th, 2023, is the debut album "The Rarity of Reason", a Melodic Death Metal album. This album runs at 35 minutes and has eight tracks.

"The Rarity of Reason" - This song starts in with an almost dream like drum beat, lulling you into a trance of sorts. Yet, slowly builds in pace, guiding that trance to a different state of being. Melodic Metal is my favorite for this reason. I think so much of the story is told in musical notes, a raging lullaby somehow. And still, the scathing vocals don't leave you in that safe dream state. Ripping your conscience forth to a cold, dystopian reality. "I Am What Remains" - Sounds of birds chirping and distant thunder give way to a lonely, morose tune. Haunting the frayed edges of your mind. I would say this song has small touches of Folk Metal weaved into Melodic and Death Metal. A solid combination in my opinion. The vocals, however, never give you room to relax; loud and raging that they are.

"Legions" - Where other songs on this album have had slower intro's, this song comes at you hot and heavy from the jump. Fast paced guitar riffs, drums that are worthy of headbanging to, and great accompaniment on bass guitar. You are never left with a moment to catch a breath throughout this intense assault of music. "Through Hidden Spaces" - A soft, luscious entry into a face melting guitar riff. It is the marriage of light and dark, soft and hard; that I love so much about this style of metal. The intensity of the heat off the vocals, might catch something on fire. This band doesn't do music in small ways.

As a whole, "The Rarity of Reason" has been a great album to review. I feel like AFTER EARTH put a lot of effort into their production and it shows all around. This is an album well worth the listen and I hope others give it a shot.

10 / 10









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"The Rarity of Reason" Track-listing:

1. The Rarity of Reason
2. Prometheus
3. Through Hidden Space
4. Legions
5. Human SLave Machine
6. Undermine My Suffocation
7. Anguish to Dust
8. I Am What Remains

After Earth Lineup:

Anton Vehkaperä - Drums, Guitars
Marcus Rydstedt - Lead Vocals
Olof Öman - Bass, Guitars
Marcelo Vargas Jofré - Guitars
Jonathan Ahlin - Live Guitarist
Ludvig Andersson - Live Guitarist

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