Vid Helvetets Grindar


Even though I didn't know shit about these guys, they came out of the blue […]
By Yiannis Dafopoulos
March 21, 2009
Afgrund - Vid Helvetets Grindar album cover

Even though I didn't know shit about these guys, they came out of the blue as a really pleasant surprise to me. Usually, when you learn that a band hails from Sweden, the first thing that comes in mind is the classic melodic Swedish Death Metal. The fact is that AFGRUND is not your typical NWOSDM band. If you like some nice modern brutality follow me...

Formed in 2006, AFGRUND managed to prepare their first release (a 5-track demo CD) in only one month. After a split CD with RELEVANT FEW through Lifestage Productions in 2007, the very same year they released their very first full-length album Svarta Dagar via the same label. The album was re-released with bonus tracks from their split, with all tracks remastered by PIG DESTROYER's very own Scott Hull.

Signing with Willowtip Records, the band unleashes its sophomore full-length effort, an album full of clever Grind/Death that at some parts may remind you of bands like NASUM and ROTTEN SOUND. Even though I was expecting a typical boring band, AFGRUND really amazed me with their more than genius compositions and variable riffing that is far from being characterized mediocre or monotonous. This Swedish trio has something great going on here and you have got to check them out! Let me also note that the drummer must be somewhere around 18 years old right now. Despite his young age he seems able to beat the living crap out of many professional drummers out there. His playing is unbelievable!

So, Grind/Death brutality meets schizo Crust/Punk and a slight (really slight) dose of melody and groove are added on top. And is there a better way than a crystal clear production to finish this recipe and serve your fans a delicious dish?

8 / 10


"Vid Helvetets Grindar" Track-listing:

A Future Europe In Flames
Noone Give A Fuck Anymore
A Burning Cross On Your Perfect Lawn
Inevitable Environmental Collapse
Klinisk Digital Kyla
T(h)rash Vortex
Borja Fran Noll
The Empire
Kuken Som Vapen
The Great Cover-Up Apocalypse
Death Lovers
Loneslavar Sla Tillbaka

Afgrund Lineup:

Andy - Vocals, Guitar
Enrico - Bass, Vocals
Panu - Drums

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