Elements & Tale Of Fire


Every once in a while, I discover a fledgling new band that just blows me […]
October 17, 2016
Aether - In Embers album cover

Every once in a while, I discover a fledgling new band that just blows me away. Poland's AETHER is just that. Formed in 2015, they have been working hard on the debut EP here entitled "Elements & Tale of Fire." The EP from this Melodic Death Metal band contains four tracks. The song "Elements" could be a more fitting title song to the HBO mega-hit GAME OF THRONES. Not only does it have a regal sound from the chord progressions, but the folk instruments dance in and around with the songwriting prowess of seasoned professionals. Just the right amount of seasoning here. It segues into "Tale of Fire," which picks up speed from fast picked guitars and thunderous drumming that cements the working parts together in unison. The Death vocals hit just the right range to match the music. You could be listening to early WINTERSUN here folks. Throughout the memorable melody like there is a deep sophistication and sense of craft that you do not often hear. The interlude, guitar solo and chanted clean vocals keep the sound close to your heart, amidst the grandiosity that pervades.

"Last Battle" is simply another undeniable winner. The keyboards ring out like bells, beckoning you away from green pastures and blue skies, to pick up banner, sword and armor and defend your country and your honor. The melody is not overly complicated, which actually adds to the enjoyment of the listen. Another perfectly timed interlude with female clean vocals provides a touching moment within the sweeping chaos of the song. "Dream" features a slower pace that sounds ominous in its delivery. The ethereal keyboards in the background pick up just the right amount of presence in making this song sound like something you might experience in a dream, as the title suggests. Instead of allowing one instrument to take over in this sound, each is given due time to shine. Often, bands can also make the mistake of too much vocal presence, which is also not the case here. As it fades away you are left a satisfied customer.

It is actually very hard to believe that this is a debut EP. The band performs with absolute confidence and an undying belief in their craft. The musicianship is impeccable and their structural components are fitted together with a tight Feng Shui. Even more than this, the songs come to life and take you to a faraway place, where mysticism abounds. The mark of good music is that is should remove your burdens and allow you to enter a different realm, if only for a short time. "Elements & Tale of Fire" does just that. As far as a debut EP goes, this is the best one of 2016 to date.

9 / 10

Almost Perfect








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"Elements & Tale Of Fire" Track-listing:

1. Elements
2. Tale of Fire
3. Last Battle
4. Dream

Aether Lineup:

Michal Gorski - Bass
Mateusz "Zwierzu" Gryglas - Drums
Krzysztof Grochowski - Guitars
Michal Miluski - Guitars, Vocals
Krzysztof Wiedenski - Keyboards

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