Bleed on My Teeth

The old models for Metal genres can be used today without problems, but one thing is demanded from the bands: to have a different approach then the older bands of the past. No one needs a new SODOM, KREATOR, VENOM, BLACK SABBATH, IRON MAIDEN or any other, because they already left their mark on music. On the other hand, bands as BURNING WITCHES, SUICIDAL ANGELS and ENFORCER pushed things to another level by using modern recordings to older genres with excellent results. This is the field where the UK-based quintet ADORIOR is stepping, and as shown on their first full-length, “Bleed on my Teeth”, they have a lot to offer.
They’re a Death/Black Metal act with a very good mix between Old School Death/Black/Thrash Metal influences with Death Metal embodiment. It means that some insane blast beats and brutal rhythmic crush is heard on their mix, but with an Old School set of elements (mainly from the 80s, from what SODOM, SLAYER, DESTRUCTION and KREATOR did on their prime releases). It means that it’s full of energy and aggressive in a way that can make the ears ache, but with very good musical refinements and excellent Old School hooks. Greg Chandler (recording, mixing) and Patrick Engel (mastering) did a very good work on the studio, aligning a brutal and organic appeal on the instrumental tunes with a modern care when mixing everything. Defined and dry, the sonority is brutal and oppressive with an organic feeling, but always with a clear Old School appeal. And the artwork created by Belial Necroarts is very good, stating clearly what the band is musically up to.
For those into extreme Metal genres, the band’s music as shown on “Begrime Judas” (insane guitars and excellent rhythmic shifts from bass guitar and drums), “Ophidian Strike” (excellent wall of brutal guitar riffs and fine six-strings arrangements), “L.O.T.P. - Vomit Vomit Vomit Bastard” (fine grunts, indeed, and as they’re female grunts in a different trend from the usual, they’re truly insane), “Precipice of Fire”, “Sips of Sarin”, “Scavengers of Vengeance” (a massacre of insane blast beats), “Moment of Mania” and “Bleed on My Teeth” (the storm of guitars and nasty vocals is something truly amazing) will have a deep appeal, because the album is a offering to you.
ADORIOR created a fine piece of extreme Metal on “Bleed on my Teeth”, so embrace it!
8 / 10

"Bleed on My Teeth" Track-listing:
- Begrime Judas
- Ophidian Strike
- L.O.T.P. - Vomit Vomit Vomit Bastard
- Precipice of Fire
- Sips of Sarin
- Scavengers of Vengeance
- Moment of Mania
- Bleed on My Teeth
Adorior Lineup:
Jaded Lungs - Vocals
S. Assassinator - Lead Guitar, Backing Vocals
R.C. - Rhythm Guitar, Backing Vocals
T. - Bass
D. Molestör - Drums
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