
From Bandcamp, the album is “an exploration into dark fantasy; a true story of repeating history. ADON examines the fragility of existence through story and violent legend, and supposes what happens next. While we hope that new fans will find many things to love about the album, the intention behind the music has always been artistic expression. We hope that in this way, people can connect with the album. We want people to be totally immersed in the cacophony of sound that is this album. We hope that it feels akin to be taking a journey through time and space and that they might consider what lies beyond this realm."
The album has six songs, and “Ascension” is first. It is indeed a very dark and expansive sound out of the gates, focusing mostly on the intensity and aggression of Black Metal, but with an intelligent approach to songwriting as opposed to blind rage, and the vocals are thick with dissonant harmonies. I feel like I have been doused in gasoline and lit on fire. “Æther” sounds like the blueprint to a ritual used to summon demons. You need some blood, a dead animal skull, some bitter herbs, and this song playing in the background while you chant in Latin. The intensity of the music is deafening.
The title track is a beastly 16 minutes long. It burns hard and long at first, like swallowing several shots of everclear, but approaching the middle section, it slows to a harrowing background filled with tortured souls. When the sound returns, some Progressive leanings are added. “Azimuth” means “the direction of a celestial object from the observer.” It has another overbearing weight and structure that is so heavy, it almost implodes into itself. The pace turns maddening before settling into a controlled groove. “Axiom” is a shot blast of intensity that is so frightening, the listeners hair could turn white by the end. The band deftly deals with a variety of changes along the way that is quite impressive.
“Æon” closes the album. In keeping with the theme of the album, aeon translates to an immeasurably or indefinitely long period of time. It has a combination of aggressiveness and cavernous rage that can’t be contained or controlled. Even with that however, it the slowed ambiance that the band uses for the sound to really soak in…it’s like getting branded. The pain is off the scale but that mark will always remain. Overall, it’s nearly impossible not to become immersed in this album, because the sound surrounds you, circles you like prey, and then closes its jaws. You don’t dare even close your eyes, because if you do, you won’t recognize the person you see in the mirror. Their prowess and musicianship is impeccable.
9 / 10
Almost Perfect

"Adon" Track-listing:
1. Ascension
2. Æther
3. Adon
4. Azimuth
5. Axiom
6. Æon
Adon Lineup:
Argonath – Bass, Guitars, Vocals
Æthelwulf II – Vocals
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