
Addiction Crew

This band is a pretty weird case since their biography mentions some really cool stuff […]
By Yiannis Dafopoulos
July 5, 2008
Addiction Crew - Lethal album cover

This band is a pretty weird case since their biography mentions some really cool stuff about them but they are not even registered in some of the biggest band database sites. Anyway, thank god they have a site and a Myspace page and I could find everything I needed to write this review. So, let's welcome one more Italian band (you know I have a weird magnet that attracts Italian bands).

The Italian metallers were formed in 1996 and have done some really good steps throughout their career. First of all they have been a part of one of the biggest extreme labels, Earache Records, where they released one album if I am not mistaken. They have also managed to have Igor Cavalera play the drums in a track from their 2001 album Doubt The Dosage.

So, what is that made a label like Earache notice this band? I really don't know! The UK label is mostly known for its extreme Metal bands, but ADDICTION CREW is a band that is somehow trying to fit its Pop influences in a Metal background. Their music is hat some people call Alternative Metal, which means a groovy rhythm section with melodic female vocals, as well as melodic male vocals with only a few times that they sound a bit more harsh. An album with catchy choruses and a great production that has unfortunately nothing to offer to the Metal scene. It just sounds too 'soft' for a Metal album and too Hard for a Rock album.

If you like such kind of bands and you are into easy listening stuff that you can listen to any time of the day, then ADDICTION CREW is a nice buying option for you. Since I didn't like this album, but fans of this music will definitely like it my rating is not so indicative of the album's contents. Let's say that it is in the middle of a metalhead's opinion and an Alternative Metal fan.

5 / 10


"Lethal" Track-listing:

The Reason You Can't Sleep
See Me Again
Make A Sense
Along The Way
Signs Of Living
Hangin' In The Air
Ride On Liars
To The Core

Addiction Crew Lineup:

Marta Innocenti - Vocals
Alex Guadagnoli - Guitar, Vocals
Maxx C. - Bass
Luca Canali - Drums

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