Shooting Star

Acid Blade

  From the band’s press release: ACID BLADE is a powerful Heavy Metal outfit based […]
November 22, 2023


From the band’s press release: ACID BLADE is a powerful Heavy Metal outfit based in Dresden, Germany. After releasing their first demo independently in May 2021, Jawbreaker Records was responsible for the release of their debut album "Power Dive" in August 2022. The record was met with great reviews and a tour through Germany, Czech Republic, Austria, Poland, Denmark and Sweden followed shortly after the release. There was no time to lose however, as ACID BLADE clearly live by the motto “Strike while the iron is hot”! In April 2023 it was time to enter the studio again, this time with Jonny Astus, original drummer for the previous band incarnation ANGEL BLADE, manning the sticks. This change led to the band sounding even more energized and even though the EP harkens back to their NWOBHM-inspired roots, the result still sounds fresh and exciting. ACID BLADE‘s sound remains raw and honest and the EP features four distinctive songs, each offering a different facet of the band’s sound. “Shooting Star” will be released on October 13, 2023. Back to me, your loveable reviewer: Germany has produced some of the best hard rocking and heavy metal bands over the past four decades, so I go into this review hoping ACID BLADE will be joining that exclusive group.


A very disappointing start on the title and opening track “Shooting Star” followed closely behind on “Mercy of the Wind”, both offer nothing I haven’t heard a thousand times before, standard speedy riff and melody leads into the high-pitched vocals straining to create an uninspired and routine dichotomy. This is biting into your main entrée, smacking your lips and thinking “hmmm, it’s missing something” analogy. My first impression is that a meatier, darkened vocal approach could have blended better, but we’ve got two songs left to pull this out of the crapper. So close and yet so far on “Weeping Willow” as there were moments of pulling off a twisted roller coaster ride of melodic, contrasting tempo changes backed by some stellar guitar licks, the best so far, but still left me wanting more, which never came. I was hoping to end this EP on a positive note , but “Rise from the Grave”, although delivering a tad bit more edgy and brooding feel is cut from the same mold and actually ends with a sinister, creepy tempo worthy of a slasher movie theme song.


I can’t say much more than, back to the drawing board for ACID BLADE. Keep the name, it’s kick-ass, but they need to redefine their approach musically. It seems to me they are missing a few key elements that could get them to the next level, and as I stated earlier in this review, I’d start with the vocals, develop a more down and dirtier attitude, kick sand in the bully’s face, summon the demons from hell. I’m sorry if that sounds harsh because it was meant as constructive criticism.


5 / 10









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"Shooting Star" Track-listing:


1. Shooting Star

2. Mercy of the Wind

3. Weeping Willow

4. Rise From the Grave


Acid Blade Lineup:


Klay Mensana - Vocals

Luke Lethal - Guitars

Alvin Goreman - Guitars

Sci-man – Bass

Jonny Astus – Drums


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