The Icewind Chronicles


Some 11 years after they formed, plus released one full album and two EP's, Greek […]
By Metal Wim
May 17, 2022
Achelous - The Icewind Chronicles album cover

Some 11 years after they formed, plus released one full album and two EP's, Greek True metal band  ACHELOUS has decided to enlighten us with their second full length attempt at world domination with "The Icewind Chronicles". And their actions speak louder than words. When "Northern Winds" gets going you are confronted with a mesmerizing rhythm that will remind you of MANOWAR and other True Metal bands. Until the refrain comes, that is, because then they are a direct twin of STEEL SHOCK, the Dutch Heavy Metal band that doesn't shy away from any clichés.

And this theme seems to repeat itself throughout the whole album. Of course, every song has their own topic and battle to fight, but the scene is definitely set. Thankfully the variation in tempo and intensity is such that you can easily follow the goings on throughout the whole of "The Icewind Chronicles". But it always falls within the boundaries of True Metal, with heroic lyrics, Hardy and rowdy riffs, enticing solos and overall very good musicianship.

ACHELOUS as a band are in good form. The musicians are all playing everything as precise as possible and as should be. Not a problem, as it makes them sound just like you would anticipate them to. When you get down to it, the drummer and bassist are a solid foundation for the guitars to build on. The solos are always right on the nose and go with the flow and feel of the music. On top of that the pleasant voice of Chris Kappas makes it all sound exactly as you would expect it to sound.

And therein lies the crux I find myself in. It turns out to be the only thing that is keeping me at bay from liking them too much is the fact that everything is just a tad too simple for my taste. I do like bands that just lack anything that society teaches them and decide to go their own way, but I also like to be amazed, surprised and enchanted by the music I am listening to. And I'm sorry, that is where ACHELOUS fall short for me. It's all too predictable. You know exactly when the band is going to go whatever they are doing, and it makes "The Icewind Chronicles" into an okay album. If only they would have dared to be more adventurous, I would have easily given them at least one full point more.

7 / 10









"The Icewind Chronicles" Track-listing:

1. Northern Winds
2. Flames Of War
3. Savage King
4. Mithril Hall
5. The Crystal Shard
6. Halfling's Gem
7. Face The Storm
8. Outcast

Achelous Lineup:

Chris Achelous - Bass
Chris Kappas - Vocals
George Mavrommatis - Guitars
Vicky Demertzi - Guitars, Piano
Giannis Roussis - Drums

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