Don't Go Where I Can't Follow
March 7, 2013

ACELSIA is band from Norway that once was a solo project called VIEW back in the summer of 2006. After forging a sort of a lineup, the band was given a new name, ACELSIA, a name inspired by the flower Celsia, symbolizing immortality. They released "Demo 2007", "Demo 2008", EP "Quietude" in 2010 and recently a debut album "Don't Go Where I Can't Follow". ACELSIA basically consists of two members Malene Markussen and Odd Henning Skyllingstad. And on this album play also Bjørn Tore Erlendsen on drums, from the band ASPHERIUM, and Jorn-Arild Grefsrud on the bass and synth.
My number one pick, unquestionably, is "Blue Knell" that can be a certain hit producing cool guitar riffs and swell drums, mostly Popish in nature yet turns out a bit diverse every now and then. Chorus, as expected from something that is describes as Pop, memorable catchy chorus, highly melodic. In a way, ACELSIA conjured an own style. "Up On The Roof" is sweetly romantic but also a bit Doomish resembling the early riff infested era of THERION. "Another Day" is a bit more energetic, hailing with the echoes of the Alternative Rock RADIOHEAD, yet the smooth guitar solo & heavy riffs mixed with blasting drums and great vocals sounded similar to GODSMACK. Malene Markussen has an amazing voice, pure magic. On "Stitches" her vocals reminded me Avril Lavigne, Amy Lee (EVANESCENE), Sharon Den Adel (WITHIN TEMPTATION) and Dolores O'Riordan (THE CRANBERRIES). As for the track itself, there is a fine bass line along with well played drums and impressive riffing with a few shots and shards of THE CRANBERRIES. Another vocal display, almost angelic, is on "The Most Important Fight" had me picturing ENYA with accompaniment of acoustic guitar. "Left Alone" is a mere PINK FLOYD oriented, a fabulous ballad with overlapping voices. On "The Mender" the rhythms seemed rather into the ACID DRINKERS's "Acidofilia", perfectly composed guitars with strong rffis along with diverse registers at the mic. "Before I Fall", melodious and charming tune that turned out to be rather heavy, the intro is very touching sharing a sort of innocence, I liked the well written riffs and of course Markussen's perfect voice.
The album is atmospheric, interesting and partaking wonderful moments of pure clarity. The musicians of ACELSIA have their way & follow it perfectly. From powerful songs to relaxing tones, strong emotions to utter coldness, there aren't many better than this.
8 / 10

"Don't Go Where I Can't Follow" Track-listing:
1. Roads
2. Stitches
3. Up On The Roof
4. The Most Important Fight
5. The Mender
6. Blue Knell
7. Haven
8. Hold My Breath
9. Before I Fall
10. Another Day
11. Left Alone
Acelsia Lineup:
Malene Markussen - Vocals & Piano
Odd Henning Skyllingstad - Guitars / Bass / Programming / Percussion
Bjørn Tore Erlendsen - Drums (Session)
Jorn-Arild Grefsrud - Synth / Upright Bass (Session)
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