

Overall, the sentiment of the album was loud and clear: torture. The torment and suffering is so severe that you would not wish it on your worst enemy.

From Bandcamp, “Jake, Dany & Déhà return with their searing style of atmospheric black metal. Like the ebb and flow of the human experience, light-speed blast beats interweave with introspective passages to express a flurry of emotions and energy, with heartrending screams, harsh guitars that veil solemnity, produced triumphantly but with the mark of each member imprinted clearly upon it. They haven’t changed, and they have much more to say with the sound which has become their signature.”

 Four lengthy songs await the listener. “Dreams of Scorched Mirrors” is first. Nothing can prepare you for the bonfire of sound that comes from the band follow an innocuous opening. It’s like someone lit the world on fire. But, there are brief pauses every now and again, just so you can catch a breath. The screams are absolute torture, and like any torture, the idea is never to let up. Remove your victims will to live one instrument, one slice, even one drop of blood at a time. In the end, the mirrors are black, and can never reflect light again.

 “Adrift in Endless Tides” comes out of the gate with a full sound, built mostly by guitars. This song is also very angry, but also depressive at the same time. When I try to make a visual out of the title, I picture a small boat endlessly drifting through an ocean of time, and never reaching a destination. At some point, this situation can make a person go insane, and that is what I am picking up in the song. “The Other” is another angry and tortured lash from a barbed whip. The screams are so piercing, the fill the sky, which grows increasingly black. There is an ambient pause rounding out the half-way mark, and then the unbridled fury returns, renewed.

 “A Slow, Weary Wind” closes the album, and it’s a sixteen-minute opus. The opening is monumental, with a steady mixture of torture and pain. The is another long ambient pause at the half-way mark, giving you time to take it all in. The torture returns again, and this time the wounds are fresh. The song and album ends on a massively hopeless note. Overall, the sentiment of the album was loud and clear: torture. The torment and suffering is so severe that you would not wish it on your worst enemy.

8 / 10









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"Immerse" Track-listing:

1. Dreams of Scorched Mirrors

2. Adrift in Endless Tides

3. The Other

4. A Slow, Weary Wind


Acathexis Lineup:





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