Exaltation Of The Infernal Cabal
Abysmal Lord
September 15, 2019

Metal maniacs, rejoice! I am proud to present to you: ABYSMAL LORD; signed via Hells Headbangers Records, hailing from the United States of America - performing Black/Death Metal, on their sophomoric release entitled: "Exaltation Of The Infernal Cabal" (released August 16th, 2019).
Since their first album in 2014; ABYSMAL LORD has 3 more records after that, after reviewing 2015's "Desciples Of The Inferno", I once again embark on this quartet's quest to unleash eternal hellfire & demonically catchy domination. "Exaltation Of The Infernal Cabal" is the next satanic ritual; 10 tracks ranging at around 34:24, "The Exaulted Killing" begins the record introducing cryptic chants & marching pounds with a devilish atmosphere – until "Monolithe Of Vengeance" conveys amplified adrenaline & boistrously bouncy flamboyancy. Immediately; I notice monotonous malignance, which demonstrates a crunchy formulaic of distorted blasphemy. Forging devilish instrumentation, blackened deadliness & fiercely concrete screams of vengeful vehemence - ultilizing uniquely versatile rage that stampedes with rampant speed.
Consisting of Black Lord of Fire; the frontman distributes guttural growls infused with high-pitched lungs & pipes of rawly rough raspiness. "Races of Jehovah's Despair" blends an infectious dose of groovy domination; chugging chaos, galloping ferocity & meticulous mayhem. Amalgamating frolicking gnarliness with seamlessly sonic pursuits of savagely sinister bass audibility from Guillotine of Papal Crowns; pulsating with momentous tempos that throb with thunderous ramifications, riveting with rapidly swift nimbleness & a cacophonous clobbering of hostile harmonies culminated into grunty grit transistioned with venomous vomits of malevolent subjugation. "Scythe of Damnation" shreds with rip-roaring malice; showcasing a blistering barrage of frenzied guitar frets from Nocturnal Damnation, manifesting melodious maelstroms of ominously barbaric bombardments of sulphurous solidities.
The titular track supplies a borderline foundation of furious drum battering from Barbaric Slayer of the Angelic Choirs; hammering with profusely robust virtuosity, viciously portraying rambunctiously relentless rhythms in conjunction with the thick & meaty resonance of tremolo picking to good effect. The record has a fair bit in common with the predecessor; still varied with complex dexterity, hasty creativity & a dynamic flair of fast hymns that rush with wildly sharp tones of primitively technical thumpiness – stomping with extreme aggression & immensely intense jumpiness with monstrous shrieking. "Holy Incest" compiles more ruthless pandemonium; persistently persevering potent vibrancy juxtaposed with an evil empowered embodiment, implementing pitiless yet sadistic havoc.
"Preparing The Throne" excels with more throaty jarring; killer lacerations, and breakneck calamity. High-octane wrath with full-throttle rebellion revolves around an organic slab of vile substance; wicked riffs, rowdy solos & volatile precision. "Nuclear Absolution" distinctively embellishes on experimental captivation, converging brutal quirks with snappy overarch's of nasty orchestration...my only gripe is perhaps the sound production as it can feel frenetically messy - Black Metal fans should relish it, but Death Metal nuts maybe on the fence. "Scars Of Heresy" acutely combines energetic finesse with fiendish remorse, uncompromised with traditional yet old-school Black Metal atrocities. Overall concluding "Exaltation Of The Infernal Cabal" with the finale song: "Scourge Of Christ"; I am compelled to say that this was indeed a ghastly listen.
Bottom line; I am slightly disappointed that ABYSMAL LORD kept their bleeding tone from the previous record, while the songwriting is consistent - the overall representation seems unpolished..maybe it is meant to be this way? Otherwise; BM enthusiasts can endure a distinguishable listen, "Exaltation Of The Infernal Cabal" is certainly a gruesome discovery - but the band definitely needs some tweaking on the sound production to please my grotesque Death Metal needs - hopefully next time.
7 / 10

"Exaltation Of The Infernal Cabal" Track-listing:
1. The Exalted Killing (Intro)
2. Monolith of Vengeance
3. Races of Jehovah's Despair
4. Scythe of Damnation
5. Exaltation of the Infernal Cabal
6. Holy Incest
7. Preparing the Throne
8. Nuclear Absolution
9. Scars of Heresy
10. Scourge of Christ
Abysmal Lord Lineup:
Barbaric Slayer of the Angelic Choirs - Drums
Guillotine of Papal Crowns - Bass
Black Lord of Fire - Vocals
Nocturnal Damnation - Guitars
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