On This Evil Night

A Tortured Soul

Metal maniacs, rejoice! The Thrasher returns to present to you: A TORTURED SOUL; signed via […]
By Craig "Thrashing" Rider
October 3, 2016
A Tortured Soul - On This Evil Night album cover

Metal maniacs, rejoice! The Thrasher returns to present to you: A TORTURED SOUL; signed via Pure Steel Records, hailing from the United States of America - on their 4th album entitled "On This Evil Night".

The reason I love Heavy Metal so dearly is because of the multilingual themes you can implement into said genre; sub-genres in Metal comes in a variety of magnitudes. The quintet in question: A TORTURED SOUL have been active since formation in 2002; with 3 records behind them: "Tomorrow's Door" (released in 2005), "Kiss Of The Thorn" (released in 2007) and finally - "Lucifer's Fate" (released 2010). 6 years fast forward; we finally have their newest creation: "On This Evil Night" and everything sounds absolutely mind-blowing, I don't mind telling you. With the lyrical themes from the afterlife; darkness, horror and religion – you can observe the perception that we are dealing with a balance of Metal that illustrates a monumental delivery of musicianship; is the quartet good? You can bet your arse they are! With a phenomenal sound production, memorability and originality...you would be a fool to miss this release.

Rick Black on vocals showcases a multitude of cord indifferences; here and there, I felt some KING DIAMOND influential cords that had the essence of the Metal God while the atmospheric melodies sound like JUDAS PRIEST with the instrumentals in place. Nate Gorenc and Brian Bolle combined on their guitars energetically riff away with complexity that exercises some unique dexterity with soaring classical metal leads. I had a helluva time pummeling along with the added powerhouse of De Wayne Bolle on bass, as well as Tommy Lodwick Jr on the pounding drums, who both efficiently provide distinctive characteristics that make for a dark and doom atmosphere and it works brilliantly. It's clear that we are dealing with a talented bunch that infuses all kinds of Metal including Thrash and Power, and with that; an album that lasts well over an hour long that is quite sufficiently entertaining of headbanging clarity.

10 tracks of adept craftsmanship entail a journey of heavy adventures that sound phenomenal to enriched headbanging. Tracks like "On This Evil Night", "Crimson", and "Black Dragon" open up the record with furious riffery that has energetic precision. Diversity in these songs varies from a dark and terrifying atmosphere that expertly assembles credible instrumentation; giving you an utmost epic yet heavy listen. "Dreams", "All Alone" & "Smoke" unrelentingly and evidently provide captivating tempo notes that just define quality. Thrilling twin guitar harmonies exquisitely exercise the portion of the album... "Waiting For Death", "The Ripper's Curse" & "Mourning's Son" utilizes substantial energy that ultimately has conducted an impressive variety of musical indifferences. Ending "On This Evil Night" with "Murdering"; I can safely say that A TORTURED SOUL are one of the best Heavy Metal bands of 2016. Worth it.

10 / 10









"On This Evil Night" Track-listing:

1. On This Evil Night
2. Crimson
3. Black Dragon
4. Dreams
5. All Alone
6. Smoke
7. Waiting For Death
8. The Ripper's Curse
9. Mourning's Son
10. Murdering

A Tortured Soul Lineup:

Rick Black - Vocals
Nate Gorenc - Guitar
Brian Bolle - Guitar
De Wayne Bolle - Bass
Tommy Lodwick Jr - Drums

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