
69 Chambers

I wanted to review this album badly, as I'm a big fan of CORONER, and […]
By YngwieViking
May 21, 2012
69 Chambers - Torque album cover

I wanted to review this album badly, as I'm a big fan of CORONER, and since Tommy Vetterli aka Tommy T. Baron is highly involved on this surprisingly good affair, I became very interested in dissecting the item for you guys!

First, this not a teenage Goth Rock album as I would have assumed at the early stage, this is more Metal than expected and much better & heavier than the 2009's "War On The Inside" album. On "Torque" the flawless production was handled by Vetterli and the sound is even renewed and up-dated. The line-up was also overhauled quite a bit, the new drummer is Diego Rappachietti (ex-PAGANINI/ ZERO/ VENTURIA) a kind of Swiss legend on his own with powerful and tight drumming that helps the music to jump to the next step. Generally, on this release even if some of the musical structures are complex this is not CORONER at all, no way near, no Progressive Thrash or hi-tech pyro guitars on sight.

Moreover, the real rising star here is lead vocalist / songwriter Nina Vetterli-Treml, she handles the rhythm guitar duties also some of the Bass parts and above of all, she's responsible for more than 90% of the music. Her vocals are quite diverse that ranges from Pop to Punk-Rock, from strong, bright  & crystal clear layered voices to deep worn-out humming and tarnished huffs but also some inspired Growl from time to time. If the vocals are heterogeneous so it's the same with all the songs, mixing Electro / Industrial loops or Pop Grooves with dark harsh guitars, double bass drum shuffle with Alternative Pop ambient keys. In fact quite impossible to classified, even a little destabilizing. That's maybe the greatest interest of "Torque": to shake some certitude, the variety of the pieces including the triptych "Ring A Bell", "Closure" & "And Then There Was Silence" are perfect examples of that. "Grace" is a JEFF BUCKLEY cover song, in an interesting rendition! Unique & original... This is for open minded people only... Please!

7 / 10


"Torque" Track-listing:

1. Cause And Effect
2. Bring On The Flood
3. Naughty Naughty Naughty
4. Anhedonia
5. Burn Some Gasoline
6. The Peep Hole
7. Ring A Bell
8. Closure
9. And Then There Was Silence
10. Temple Down
11. Your Fool
12. The Doom Of Her Power
13. Grace
14. Elegy

69 Chambers Lineup:

Nina Vetterli-Treml- Lead Vocals / Rhythm Guitar / Bass
Diego Rappachietti - Drums
Tommy Vetterli - Lead Guitar

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